Connecting ASM HYDRASYNTH Desktop and Elektron Analog RYTM

Please allow me to introduce myself,

I have recently retired at the age of 67 and now have the time to indulge in my favourite pass time music. After years of playing the guitar and never really getting very far and to be honest getting a bit bored.

I am now finding myself listening to electronic music more and more so I have decided to take the plunge and purchased a couple of items. First was an ASM HYDRASYNTH Desktop and then an Elektron Analog RYTM mk2, not sure if these two are the best to start my new electronic musical career but it is definitely keeping my brain ticking over.
Just one thing is it possible to connect these two? if so how?

MIDI is the answer. But starting out, I would read the manuals so you know what you are getting into - enjoy your journey.

You can connect, but out of all the Elektrons, the Rytm is the most basic in terms of midi sequencing external gear, it’s monophonic only.

Will do Tlemetry and thank you.

Excellent Kosmology, I have added it to my Elektron youtube playlist for first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you

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