Connecting Behringer td-3 to digitone

hey everyone

I’m a beginner and need some help connecting a behringer td-3 to the digitone via midi.
I want to play on the digitone + playing the td3 using the digitone as interface.

I’ve tried a few things using a simple midi cable and can’t seem to get it right.

How do I set up the digitone right?
How do I set up the td-3 right?
Where is Midi IN and where Midi OUT?
Do I need different cables?

Is that even the right approach?

Hi there. Yes definitely. Should be possible. Have had success with my digitakt and TD3 but not tried the digitone yet. Key thing is to select the correct channels on both and have midi cable connected to ‘out’ on the digitone and ‘in’ on the TD3 Following video shows how to select channels TD3 which is tricky:

Oscillator sync guy has a good video on setting up midi on the digitone too:

Hope thats helps?

Once you get it going there should be some really cool stuff you can do with feeding FM Oscillators into the filter in port on the patch bay and using the 303 sequencer to sequence the digitone too.

Edit - sorry missed one bit. Midi in and out are around the back on both. Big old five pin din ports. Labelled ‘in’ 'out 'thru.

Also looks like this guy has done a useful video on the setup with digitakt which is pretty much the same as digitone:

Seems pretty useful.

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thank you for your answer!
Ive tried the tutorials… some already before but still it’s not working

I’ve put the settings in midi-sync on:
clock send
transport send
program ch send

I chose midi1 on channel 5

the midi cable goes on midi out from the digitone to midi in on the td3

the midi in on the td3 is set to channel 5 as well
and on the td3 I’ve tried both midi and internal mode

I if I press the play button on digitone I can see the start/stop light on the td3 react but no td3 sounds.
Did I miss anything? what could have went wrong?

I’ve had a similar situation with my Geode that I solved by enabling the right midi channel in MIDI source menu (SYN1 PAGE - MIDI SOURCE in DN user manual)

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How are you listening to the TD-3?


it was the level of the input level that was down and I overlooked it all the time :see_no_evil:
thanks to everyone for your help.


Pretty great video