Hey all,
I’m having a “control all” issue. So when I try add FX to the entire track, a filter for example, it works on everything but the drums for some reason. Is there maybe a setting that i’m unaware of/a way around this?
Hey all,
I’m having a “control all” issue. So when I try add FX to the entire track, a filter for example, it works on everything but the drums for some reason. Is there maybe a setting that i’m unaware of/a way around this?
Possibly you have parameter locks on your drums’ filters? P-locks are unaffected by Ctrl-All. It’s actually a powerful feature of the device if you want more control over the chaos
Yeah it’s weird, if I add an FX to all with drums soloed, it will effect the but only for a split second- Thanks for this!
Ah yes, that’s right – as parameter locks are per step, it is possible to quickly change them in the split second in-between steps before it snaps back to the next parameter lock if that makes sense.
It’s something I ned to wrap my head around still. Thanks for your help!
No worries. And thanks for the videos. I’ve watched a few a few of them in the past and recognised your name/face
It me!