Controlling Digitone CCs with LSB, MSB from other Elektrons?

I’ve been working on a song the past little bit with a Machinedrum and Digitone. I thought it might be fun to try and sequence some Digitone effect settings from the MD (since the MD is going through the Digitone), but it looks like a lot of the things I’d like to automate have ‘MSB’ and ‘LSB’ entries in the Digitone’s midi charts.

What does it mean when these are paired up? Can I still send MIDI values to them from something like Machinedrum (and use an MD LFO to adjust the value)?

That normally implies NRPN midi messages which would be impractical to set up as it requires a string of four CCs to be sent for each change

This is how extra parameters on the A4 are ‘reached’ due to there being more parameters than free ‘normal’ CCs - this may also be the case for DN (especially if it has either lots of parameters or parameters which requires more resolution

It’s possible a parameter may be set up like e.g. pitch where you may have coarse and fine on separate CCs but I doubt the manual would document this the way you described

There’s a couple of discussion on trying to send NRPN from OT, but it’s not trivial or convenient

The MSB is the coarse part of the value of the parameter, while the LSB is the fine part of the value of the parameter.

As an example, CC 15 for the coarse part of the delay time and CC 47 is for fine adjustment of the delay time.

Yes. In the example of delay time, you could send CC 15 and it will cover the full range of possible delay times with coarse resolution. If you send CC 47 only, then it will make fine adjustments to the delay time in relation to the current coarse part of the delay time value.

(As an analogy, imagine separately changing the hours and minutes value of the time on a clock.)

There are some MIDI controllers that allow two CC messages to be combined so that you could use one physical control to sweep through the entire range of a parameter with fine resolution.


Ah! Thank you. I was worried they were more like NRPNs and had to be sent at the same time. And sounds like it should then be easy on Machinedrum to then use an MD LFO on the fine adjustments to give little shifts and variety to the sound, and I could use p-locks on the coarse resolution when I want something more wild.

@Olle @Ess: When a parameter is high-resolution (has a CC_LSB, such as Filter Frequency), is there a standard range implied?

Is the number of values always 256? 512? It would be nice to know the # of possible values for these parameters, as I am finishing up some software and this is tripping me up.

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Not 100% sure actually. They might actually differ depending on parameter but I might be wrong. Support should be able to give you an exact answer even if it might take them a while to find it.


Thanks, I will try emailing support. If I don’t hear back I’ll be back to pester you :stuck_out_tongue:!

EDIT: I haven’t emailed support yet, but from my debugging Filter Frequency / Resonance / Env can have values from 0 to 16,383 … this value would need to be converted to MSB / LSB and sent on the appropriate CC’s. Once I compile all the ranges I will post a table which will be useful to other programmers.


Sorry to raise this thread, (and here is the thing, do I open a new thread, and get pointed to this one? Or do I revive an old topic for more detail?)

I have had my first attempt at controlling track params for DN from a Launcpad MkIII custom mode. It’s pretty nice. I just set up lavel faders, and a bipolar faders for the synth mix param so far. Which has lead me to wonder: How do I get the LP to show the real state of the DN when I switch patterns?

Say on Pattern 1, Track 1, Syn mix is bang in the middle, but on Pattern 2 Track 1, Syn Mix is fully to X. How can I get the DN to tell the LP the value of that param so that the display on the LP updates to reflect the state of the machine, rather than I have to change the machine to match the LP before I can make use of the controller?

Many thanks

IIRC, you can’t. I don’t think it’s bidirectional.

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That is a shame. The “IT” in question (the lacking “it”) is it the DN, or is it the LP (or both?)

EDIT: ah Recommendations for external midi controllers - #14 by PeterHanes :frowning:

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