Controlling M:C with Microfreak, fail

TRS to DIN adapters in M:C and MF.
Midi Out from MF into Midi In of M:C.
Select Midi Out channel on MF to be channel 12 (for example).
In Config/Midi on M:C, in In Channel, set Auto In to be channel 12. The other channels’ settings are untouched, i.e. Track 1 is ch.1, Track 2 is ch.2 etc.

And now I would expect M:C to react to my playing of the MF keyboard, but she doesn’t. Am I missing something?

I’m not 100% sure as I don’t have an MF, but it could be that it uses the opposite polarity in the TRS midi. In your M:C midi settings you can swap polarity–that might be all you need to do.

You may also need to check that “receive notes” is enabled as well.

M:C auto detects polarity for the input.

It’d be possible to do away with the adaptors altogether and just use a 3.5mm TRS cable in between.


In addition to the settings you listed, you also need to ensure that:

  • you have set INP FROM to “MID” or “M+U” on the M:C;
  • you have activated RCV NOTE on the M:C;
  • you are sending MIDI note numbers 0 to 5 or 12 to 60 only (the lowest five octaves); the M:C will ignore higher note numbers.
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It’d be possible to do away with the adaptors altogether and just use a 3.5mm TRS cable in between.

I was thinking of that, as I have that cable, I think. Is there any risk to the equipment if I somehow use the wrong cable?

Thanks, Receive Notes was off, a previous experiment I’d forgotten about.


Thanks @PeterHanes, it’s working now. Are those very bottom six notes reserved for the pads?

Manual, page 20:

Of the 128 notes in the standard MIDI range, Note numbers 0–5 correspond to notes C0 through to F0, the leftmost octave (which is sometimes called C-2–F-2 in some applications). These notes trigger the preset of track 1 through track 6, respectively (provided they are set to their default channels 1-6). These note values map to each of the six tracks, regardless of which track is active.

No. The only wrong cable in this situation is a TS cable, which likely just won’t work.

Thanks for the useful advice people!

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