Controlling multiple Syntakt tracks with DT and cc 96/97

Hello lets say I want to use tracks 1,2,9 and 10 on Syntakt as 1 sequence with multiple timbres if I can call it that way.
I want to control those multiple track at once as one from Digitakt but I cant get incremental massage working… 1,2,9,10 is all on channel 1 and it respods to normal Data entry CC6 normally but I need to add value incrementaly .
Could someone help me with that? Thanks

Hi, I’ve never had luck with the increment/decrement on ST or DT, I don’t think that aspect of NRPN is implemented. (Would love it if they were, and if there’s a way to do it I’d appreciate hearing about it, esp for DT.)

With ST, depending on what you’re editing, the easiest way to send relative value changes (vs absolute cc values) via midi control is to use one or more sound macros (MW/PB/AT/BC and Vel) in the Sound Setup menu. These can each send 4 scalable parameter values, and grouping tracks by setting them to receive the same Midi channel in MIdI Config menu opens a ton of performance possibilities.

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yeah thats one of things that came through my mind today…
Just controlling few synth stuff and filters for changing the overall timbre of sound… Wanna have wide adjustable synth track if I say it correctly
From testing it sounded pretty awesome
also thx for ur vids

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