Controlling other tracks

I don’t understand how this software works … I succeeded in loading the plugin into a track in Bitwig 4, and controlling T1. OK now I want to add a track for T2. But an additional instance of the plugin is not connected to the DNK. So how do you route things to control all the tracks? And how to multitrack audio?

Regarding audio:

I think you might work the rest out from some of this video as well

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Got it working. So I just needed to learn a couple things in Bitwig, which I am also new to. Thanks for the video.

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He explains about saving a template too. Really handy! If it’s not in that video it’s on this one

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That sounds really useful. I love the template feature in Ableton.

Think I should get the 16-track version or try to get a discounted full version?

I went all in, personally I’ve not regretted it. I always thought I hated DAW’s. Turns out I hated Logic.

Yeah, they’re terrible. I just can’t live with the limitations of Pyramid.

Looks like you need it for multi-out anyway.

I just found I’d picked the wrong daw for years (Logic), bloody love Bitwig though.

If your finding Pyramid limiting, I’m not sure what you’ll find to make you happy. Always thought the Pyramid was a pretty fully fledged midi sequencer?

Relatively speaking it is but it is very much geared toward non-linear song creation and structuring things in 4/4 time. Navigating multiple long tracks is awkward, you can only navigate in 16-pad pages, queued sequence and pattern changes are always in 4/4 time, having long sections with fills at the end requires workarounds, creating rolls is also a little complicated, no automation ramps (requiring lots of events that you have to draw with your finger in page-long sections, and the memory is very limited), no input selection per track, cannot copy all the events of pieces of a track - only those in the current mode (notes, CC, FX).

I am going to play around with the Bitwig demo a little more. Ableton is out, getting an acceptable level of integration with external gear is impossible and I hate max4live. Bitwig feels like a professional program compared to Ableton. If the complexity kills my creativity though I may look into learning Pyramid better to see if some of those limitations can be overcome. It’s an expensive piece of kit when technically a DAW will do.

That right there applies to so many things I feel. Guess it’s a case of some hardware works well at some stuff, nothing works well at everything, maybe. I’ve given up trying to find the one piece of hardware to conquer all now, and I think I’m happier for it :slight_smile:

Good luck! Take a look on the Bitwig thread, think there were some deals recently….