Converting samples to 12bit before import

Hey, if this has been covered, my apologies. I’m making my through previous threads right now.

I’m putting together some sample banks that consist of 24 bit files that are quite large and greater than the MD’s 2.5mb of sample memory. So, my best guess is if I convert them to 12 bit, it will make them smaller (hopefully half the size?).

Does this make sense? Is this the best way? The potential problem is finding something to convert to 12 bit. It seems to be an uncommon thing.
Also, I"m using a Mac, but will get my hands on Windows if necessary.

Thank you.

You might not save any space by converting to 12 bit resolution in advance. Check this thread.

You’ll get more mileage likely by tailoring the sample rate to the particular sample. If there’s not a lot of high frequency content, then you can use a lower sample rate.

You might save space by converting to a lower bitrate as well, the samples just play back in 12-bit regardless.

From the linked thread…

chad@pa wrote:
A Note from Elektron: “12 bit samples loaded into the Machinedrum will take actually take the same amount of storage space as 16 bit samples will. If you want to save space I recommend to convert the samples to 22 kHz.”

…not sure what that means for 24bit. Not sure where the 12-bit conversion happens in the MD.

As for converting on mac and saving in whatever format, audacity is good for one at a time. Sox is great for batch converting, if you have any nerdly tendencies.

If you can run a virtual machine, I really like running windows XP solely for foobar and it’s batch processing.

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