Copy and Paste patterns


Hoping someone can help what I assumed would be a straight forward procedure.

Basically I’m building up an empty project so all the tracks are clear bar the first with only one channel.

That I want to to is copy the 1st Trigg to 2nd 3rd 4th etc. And build variant patterns.

I’ve trying pasting to the channels. As I would in OT.

I looked in manual but I could not see anything.

In a nut shell.

How do I copy and paste patterns on MC?

p24 - note this can be done on the fly so you can copy a pattern ahead to another (destination) slot whilst still playing and staying in the current (source)one

To copy, press and hold [PATTERN] + [TRIG] key to select the pattern you wish to
copy. Then press [RECORD]. Let go of the [TRIG] key and then press and hold the
[TRIG] key(s) to where you want to paste the pattern. Finally, press and hold [STOP] to
paste the pattern(s). 

To copy, press and hold [PATTERN] + [sourceTRIG] key to select the pattern you wish to
copy. Then press [COPY-record]. Let go of (only) the [SourceTRIG] key (i.e. always keep Pattern held during all of this procedure) and then press and keep holding the [destinationTRIG] key(s) to where you want to paste the pattern. Finally, press and keep holding [Paste-stop] to paste the pattern(s) (hold until the timer counts down the paste process).


@avantronica thanks for your time. Been wanting to work this out for a while. So please.

Until the next hurdle. :ok_hand:

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