Copy, clear, or paste using only record, play, stop buttons after selecting pattern?


Section 11.1.1, p. 37.

I’m not understanding this bit of the Rytm II manual…it seems to indicate that if I copy a pattern ([FUNC] + [REC]), then select a new pattern ([BANK] then [TRIG]), if I keep the [TRIG] button pressed that one can copy, clear, or paste by pressing only the [RECORD], [PLAY], or [STOP] key, respectively, without first holding the [FUNC] key, and that this would enable one to paste a pattern to a new location without switching to that location (or clear or copy…?). But I can’t make this work. I guess I’m not understanding what this text means:

“• After a pattern is selected, and before releasing any key, [RECORD], [PLAY] and
[STOP] can be pressed to copy, clear or paste patterns without leaving the active pattern.
It is possible to clear and paste multiple patterns at the same time.”

Any ideas?

Well, immediately after posting, I discovered that if you hold down the [RECORD], [PLAY], or [STOP] button for a few seconds, it does a little countdown, and the method works - copy, paste, or clear another location without switching to it.

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