Copy complete track

How can I copy or move a complete track?
Sound, steps and p-lock at the same time.
I’m in the A1 pattern and I liked how track 5 was (for example).
Now I would like to copy track 5 (sound, steps, p-lock) from pattern A1 to track 1 of pattern A2.
So far I do it by copying each part (sound, steps, p-lock) but the procedure is very laborious and slow, do I miss something?
Sorry for my English.


mark the active track by pressing TRK+TRK# (1-16) Copy the active track by holding TRK + Copy.
Paste track by holding TRK+Paste.

To copy the sequence go into Grid-Mode by pressing O (Record).
Then press Func+Copy.
To paste press Func + Paste

As far is I know its not possible to do these two operations at once. You’ll always have to do these two operations.


Those are the steps I do now, plus I have to copy each screen with the P-locks (trigs, scr, flt, amp).
Too many copy and paste for something so simple.
I like to experiment with a pattern and when I like a track, I want to pass it to another clean pattern.
Copy Sound A1-T5, go to A2-T1 Paste Sound, go to A1-T5
Copy Steps A1-T5, go to A2-T1 Paste Steps, go to A1-T5
Copy tgr(screen) A1-T5, go to A2-T1 Paste tgr(screen), go to A1-T5
Copy scr(screen) A1-T5, go to A2-T1 Paste scr(screen), go to A1-T5
Copy fltr(screen) A1-T5, go to A2-T1 Paste fltr(screen), go to A1-T5
Copy amp(screen) A1-T5, go to A2-T1 Paste amp(screen), go to A1-T5
Copy lfo(screen) A1-T5, go to A2-T1 Paste lfo(screen), go to A1-T5
Does something so simple require so many steps?

You could simply copy the whole track SOUND by saving it as a sound or copying it by holding TRK+Copy. Then simply to the desired pattern and Press TRK+Paste. Et voila, you have the whole parameters + the sample inside the other pattern. The sequencer information (grid) will not be copied. You still have to manually do it.
To save your SOUND, to quickly use it another project it, you can export your sound to the SOUND-Library.
Remember: SOUND = Sample + all Parameters, but without Sequencer (grid)


Good idea to copy all the parameters at once. I’ll put into practice. thank you. Still, it’s a long process for something so simple.

Hey gang, stumped on this one too. It can’t be this complicated, I think im in the same boat as @edul, wondering if you’ve had any headway here.

I have a track, each trigg has a different p-lock, I want to copy and past the track and all the different p-locks to another track.

There is no easy way to do this?

Hold trk + copy to copy the track sound. Trk+paste to paste it. Then go into grid recording mode to copy and paste the sequence, func+copy, go to the other track where you pasted the sound, enter grid recording mode, func+paste.

So it takes 2 steps to copy everything from one track to another.


But this doesn’t copy the parameter locks for the individual trigs, or does it? I use the nudge function a lot and if copying a track means that I have to manually redo all the parameters for each trig every time, that is kind of annoying. Anybody found a work around this?

Yes it does. It copies all trigs as they are including parameter locks and conditions etc.


Hi, but when I hold trk+copy it just launches recording, tried when plays or not it not make any difference. Cheers

Launches recording? You mean it enters grid recording mode?

Are you holding the button labeled TRK and then press copy?


nope. It copy track sound.

My mistake, holding trig instead of trk, now it makes sense. Thanks


Hello, has a copy and paste routine been added that copies and pastes a full Track (all trigs and plocks etc) + Sound. Can’t see anything in the firmware 1.30B release notes. Maybe it was instantiated in a previous release. Or maybe it’s still a 2 step operation?


Yes it still is.

Thanks, I wonder if it’s a not doable thing. Seems odd that one wouldn’t include such a copy and paste operation…

You can also copy the whole pattern and then just mute the other tracks you don’t need on it if that makes it any better for you.

Hey Mesgll,

I wanted to copy a track with it’s sound from one pattern to another, and do it on the fly. That’s the key thing, at least when improvising. I like to work with other electronic musicians when improvising, so anything that means stopping the music or anything long winded kills the vibe…thanks.

In the improv scenario, I imagine copying the whole pattern would work quite well.


Two steps is also bad for the reason that I often create sth nice by using Control-All.
I wish I could just take the part that now sounds cool and copy it -> Reload Pattern -> paste my new part wherever I want…

The problem is I can’t go back to copy another round after reload -.-