Copy/Paste Model:Cycles

Hey All, I’ve had my M:C for a few months and have wrapped my head around most of it but am still having trouble finding and remembering shortcuts like copying/pasting /clearing trigs,p-locks, notes, tracks, sequence etc.Are there any good quick reference guides for all the shortcuts? I dont even think all of them are listed in the manual. Thanks!

there’s a model:samples thread that will have some crossover to the model:cycles.

and there are overlays made that have shortcuts listed etc.

it would be cool to just have a printable cheat sheet!

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Agree … made my own crib for that … I’ll see if it’s coherent enough to share (though it may be incomplete).

EDIT: Ahhh … the link above has it covered, though not all the copy/clear/paste shortcuts are listed together.

yeah the link above is definitely helpful, but I think its still missing some copy paste clear stuff…but maybe not? For instance, is there a way to clear parameter locks on a whole track? like say I just want to clear the “shape” parameter locks for a specific track is that possible? Or is temp save the best alternative. I feel like I did this before but can’t remember the shortcut

Probably not the answer you really want, but you know you can clear multiple locks by holding down multiple trigs ?

From the manual:

Removing a specific parameter lock on a trig in GRID RECORDING mode:

  1. Press and hold the [TRIG] key that contains a parameter lock.
  2. Turn the PARAMETER knob corresponding to the parameter from which you want to remove the parameter lock.
  3. Press [PLAY] to clear the parameter lock.
  4. Press and hold the [TRIG] key that contains a PUNCH or GATE parameter lock, and then press [PUNCH] or [GATE] to remove these parameter locks.
  5. Press and hold the [TRIG] key that contains a NOTE, VEL, or LEN parameter lock, to open the TRIG NOTE menu. Press [PLAY] to clear the parameter lock for these parameters.
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So in other words, there doesn’t seem to be a way to clear all parameter locks at once.

Unfortunately, no.
The only way is to remove the note trig and then enter it again.

In the end, I did post my crib sheet here, as a suggestion for a manual update. It’s mostly a consolidation of what’s in the manual, but it’s certainly easier for me to access. HTH.

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ok thank you this is what I had seen in the manual but just couldn’t find it again. Pretty useful, would be nice if I didn’t have to put all my fingers on the trigs to do so (though at least its not individually) but ill take it!

thank you for sharing. definitely saving this as a go to guide for the shortcuts I jumble sometimes.

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