Copy & paste pattern into other project

Does anyone know a way to copy a single pattern from a project and paste it into a different project? It seems that it can’t be done or I just don’t know how to do it… The whole project is being pasted each time, I can’t single out one pattern. Thanks :wink:

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Pretty sure it must be:

  1. hold [PATTERN], hold trig button (to select pattern), press [COPY]
  2. swap to the other project (via config/spanner/wrench button)
  3. hold [PATTERN], hold trig button, press [PASTE]

I think I’ve done that in the past.

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Thank you so much, I’ve tried everything, nothing worked. The trick is to hold the trig button as well… I only pressed it, I never held it down. Thanks again man :nerd_face:

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Isn’t it this?

  • select a pattern as normal
  • make sure you’re not in a Record mode
  • [FUNC]+[REC] to cope
  • go to new project (or bank)
  • select destination pattern
  • [FUNC]+[STOP] to paste

Basically, an “unspecified” copy&paste, when out of Record mode.

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That also works. I find the one I posted easier to remember.

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Absolutely but workarounds is always good to know :smile: