Copy + Pasting Performance parameters?

Hey, is there a way to copy + paste performance parameters from kit to kit?

I use a lot of the same parameters on my kits and I don’t want to have to program them all in over and over on each kit.

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it does work so stick at it, copy and pasting is a fine art in Elektron land - can’t recall at which level(s) you need to be at for it to work - but it does

Thanks, I got it. You have to be in the performance menu.

_Yes, for me works fine within PERF CONFIGURE menu.
Not sure if it works the same while in the RENAME menu…
[I mean: does it copy only the name or the destinations and amounts too?]

Perf + Copy = Copy Page Perf, not the modulations inside!

To copy modulations, from Perf Configure Setup:
Function + Copy = Copy Modulations

Change pattern, from Perf Configure,
Function + Paste

It has to be done one to one (A, B, C, etc) but it works :slight_smile:


Did this ever receive an update so you could copy/paste all performance settings in one hit?

Got put off by the workflow when I first used Performance mode, seemed clunky/slow coming from OT scenes. But revisited it this week and it’s nowhere near as bad as I remember. Feel like an idiot for avoiding using it so long!

OT fader is a great performance tool, but A4’s 10 knobs with 5 parameters each one are great too!

Hello everyone,

I created a kit and modified the PERF peramaters, spending the time to name all parameters and set sensible defaults. It is insane that Elektron doesn’t ship these instruments with sane quick-performance default values for simple things like delay and reverb. Anyway, I digress…

So I saved the kit, and then switched to a new kit. But on the new kit the performance parementer names have reverted back to the default A, B, C, etc

So it seems that performance names and parameters are saved PER KIT. Can anyone confirm?

So if I then want to copy all performance peramters including names, I tried hitting PERF + COPY and it says “Performance page copied”

But when I then switch kits and do PERF + PASTE, it only pastes the values of the parameters, but it doesn’t copy the names. They still say A, B, C, etc

I am not going to be able to go into every single kit and rename all the PERF paramater names for each kit. I want to do this once and use it for all kits.

What am I doing wrong!?

How can I copy the renamed PERF parameters between kits?


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Yes, Performance Macros are saved with Kits, you can copy individual macro assignments, all macros or just the values.
You have to be in specific screens and I always forget which ones^^
I’ll usually just trial and error my way through everytime again.

I think you copy/paste individual macros from the screen where you dial in the five parameters the macro will control.
Just press Function+Copy.
Go to the new Kit, go into the macro there and press Function+Paste.

Try going into “Configure Performance” and press Function+Copy to copy all performance macro assignments.
You have to be in the same screen when you paste it in the new Kit as well of course.

For copying just the values, you press and hold the Performance button + Copy/Paste, like you said.


Copy Perf Setup (All macros) : Fn+Perf > Fn+Rec
Copy A-J (individually) : Fn+Perf > Perf Configure > Select A-J > Fn+Rec

It copies the name too. If you don’t want to copy the name use :
Copy Modulations : Fn+Perf > Perf Configure > Select A-J > Yes > Fn+Rec

Just the values = Copy Modulations?
Edit : I guess you meant Perf + Rec.

I’d like to be able to copy each of the 5 parameter but I can’t. Possible?


Yep, I meant Perf + Rec. :slight_smile:

What exactly do you want to copy?
One of the five possible parameters from a macro?

Yep. I often use the same parameter for 4 tracks, so it would save time.

Hmm, I don‘t think that‘s possible.
I tried pushing some buttons in order to find a button combination that would work, but no success.

It would be quite a time saver indeed!

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I’m just learning this now but I think you mean:
Fn+Perf > Perf Configure > Hover over one of A-J > Fn+Rec.
(otherwise you’re going into the macro menu and back out again before copying!

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