Copy RYTM midi-pattern into DAW via Overbridge?

Hi guys

I’m trying to copy the patterns that I programmed on my RYTM into my DAW in order to arrange/sequence easier. Nothing fancy, I just need the patterns as midi-files in my DAW. I don’t need p-lock functions etc., really just the “hit this note now” information, as the rest is done in RYTM.

This way sequencing/arranging would be so much faster and easier, especially on more complex song structures. Also, things like adding/deleting a snare hit anywhere would be a thing of seconds without having to mess around with the RYTM sequencer or building another pattern just for this.

With Overbridge this shouldn’t be a problem, right? Maybe I’m missing something.

Thanks in advance

It’s my number 1 feature request for the A4/AK and Rytm. It’s never been possible, but on a very early roadmap for Overbridge it did say something like pattern management.

I wouldn’t hold your breath though.

In the meanwhile there is a guy over at Gearslutz that is working on a program that takes the sysex infomation from the Rytm sequencer and converts it into MIDI. I have no idea how long it’s going to take to finish or how usuable it will be when it’s done but it shows that it’s possible.

Now if only Elektron themselves would do something about it.



I thought that by now (seeing that there was an update yesterday), they would have implemented this function.
It’s an incredible machine and surely great for live, but in the studio it really lacks -escpecially this function. It would make it so much more efficient and easy to work with.

Thanks for your answer and the link!


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As I’m no regular on these boards, I wonder if there have been news concerning this topic. Did I miss an update that implemented this? If not, any rumors or even statements from Elektron?


Radian Pixel

It’s still a feature I could really use but nothing as of yet and Elektron’s pace of development on Overbridge and the black boxes has slowed considerably as they focus instead on new products.