Copying/Moving Patterns and Kits between Snapshots?

I’ve got a kit and a number of patterns that I’d like to move from one snapshot to a new one as I prepare for possible live show. Or for the MD/MM comp. Or both.

I think I’ve copied kits before between snapshots. This kit isn’t using any ROM samples. But is there anything to be aware of copying patterns between snapshots? I’d like the patterns to retain their connection to the kit and not lose any p-locks.

I would personally be more comfortable dumping Pattern+Kit data by SysEx to a computer and restoring it using the SPECIFIC receive method than trusting my key-combo stamina.

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I doubt you’d lose p-locks copying the patterns.
Copy the kit first, and maybe even copy it to the same numbered slot as it is in the original snapshot.
Then copy/paste the pattern.

Even if you do lose the kit connection - it’s a 5 second fix. You’ll spend more time bouncing back and forth between snapshots anyway. But to be sure, just copy all the kits first.

I have done this before with no problem. You won’t hurt anything by trying.

Doing it via sysex is probably a good idea too, I have just never tried that.

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I seem to remember losing p-locks when changing the kit on a pattern after the fact, but my memory is a hazy thing these days.

I’ll look at the SysEx option first. I need to do a backup anyways. This machine is starting to become too integral to my musical life!

Changing the kit might make you lose p-locks, or at least they wouldn’t necessarily make sense. That’s why I’m saying get your kits copied first.

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