Correct Setting for GAIN in MASTER EQ section?

Hi there.

I can’t see this in the manual but what is the default level for GAIN in the EQ MASTER FX of MD?

I presumed it would be ‘0’: neither gained nor attenuated. I did not realize till now that this cranked fully since I got the machine.

I just read in another thread that the default setting might actually be max.

Anybody know for sure?


Yup, the default value is the maximum value. No-one would ever claim that the MD’s output is low.

Thanks Peter.

It’s not mentioned in the manual so I thought I’d better check with an expert on here. Once again you have enlightened me:)

I thought I had cranked it up full myself when I first got it and by having it cranked I’d be introducing needless distortion in to the signal.

Back up to max she goes.

Thanks again.

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I wasn’t claiming that, my heading was not thought through;)

Elektron’s defaults aren’t necessarily the best place to start or stay :wink: Reducing the gain can help when you need headroom.

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Got that:) Thanks.