COSMOS by Soma

This looks cool! Get your pre-order in!


Oh for flips sake. More. Can’t they pause for a while to draw breath?


Having said that, this algorithm looks fun.

Giant reverb. Simulates an echo in a hall several kilometers in size. Due to the enormous
size, early reflections sound like individual echoes, which merge very slowly into the finely
dispersed noise intrinsic of a reverb.
Huge hall.
Super-huge hall.
Insanely-super-huge hall.

Who doesn’t yearn for several kilometre long halls?


They’re on a roll aren’t they! Got to put my name down for one of these though


I put my name down last year when I saw a demo of it online. Messaged them again just in case.

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I paused slightly at the price. 480 euros plus taxes, etc feels a lot for a bonkers (and probably largely uncontrollable) echo box. The description hints rather at it being more at the “new age meditative toy” end of their range of products than actually usuable kit, although no doubt it will be marvellous in a myriad of different ways. 100 euros less and would have definitely been hitting the send button on a pre-order email.


Have you got a link? The YouTube videos are all set to private. Have they posted on their Facebook groups?

I do not. There was a post on instagram last year that teased it, but I cannot find it right now. Sounded like an incredibly lush ambience pedal.

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Found it. Interesting…


Yeah, I hear that. It seems everything is getting so pricey but for what this could be, and what I think it is, SOMA would pull this off and be right up my street. I think. I hope. Lol.

Haha. True! I thought I’d hate that aspect of the Lyra but it’s just perfect. I don’t play it a lot, but love it when I do get the time to really sit there with it.


Wait for the Strega haters to jump on this ‘description’…



Well I guess they’ll be gettin more of my money after Lyra and Ornament

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If there was a single company right now to go completist batshit crazy for, you could do a lot of damage with SOMA!
What a line up :heart_eyes:

The forthcoming Mind Matrix Modulation Mixer with non-essential add-on Cerebral Control/Touchplate Interface is stunning…

But seriously, this and the Ether :exploding_head:

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I was thinking this and Pulsar, but ether sounds pretty brilliant too!!

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It’s the whole stable really😂

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Looks cool, and It has an SD card. For presets? Or maybe it plays sound files off of the card?

I’ve got an Ether for sale at the mo, in case anyone wants to scratch that particular itch…

And this Cosmos looks brilliantly fascinating!

MRW I see something new from Soma… “What is it, eh who cares I want it.”


Sending back my Wavestate and was already itching to spend that refund. I’d like to hear more demos but might just take a punt.