Could this track be Sequenced. (And how would you go about it)?

No worries. I remember that one because I first saw it on the Keyboard Corner forum, which is full of grumpy old men who hate anything that kids do with synths - unless it’s Snarky Puppy or Jacob Collier.

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He’s got great talent, and I do love jazz, but I don’t like his music as much as what I have heard by this forum’s membership, which has talent of its own.

There are many, many flavors of jazz. I’m partial to the ones represented by Don Cherry, Miles Davis (mostly the 60s stuff), Bill Frisell, Kenny Wheeler, Craig Taborn… just a partial list of course.


True, true.

Been years since i played in jazz groups…but i still find myself playing ballads on the piano. I seem to remember Miles Davis found it very hard to resist them too. 60s period is good with me, but don’t listen to it much lately.

Still, i saw Herbie Hancock acoustic group in the 90s and it was suprisingly uninteresting. Go figure.

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It wasn’t meant as a zing, i find them quite talented and lacked a better descriptor. But point taken :slight_smile: