Could this track be Sequenced. (And how would you go about it)?

This reminds me of Whiplash the film. I could never be this good . But maybe a Sequencer on an OT or some Elektron product? But where to start?


At least with a “linear” sequencer. Those guys perform too human and to get this inside a step sequencer could be near to impossible. IMO too groovy and too many notes for a 4x16 step pattern system, even with chaining pattern.

With the sequencer of a DAW or MPC-like device or Pyramid I would say, yes, but with quite some hard work to do, if tried via mouse/monitor and not played at least live, maybe played and recorded in slow motion and later accelerated to higher speed. :wink:

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Yes i agree it seems impossible. I’ve seen some pretty extreme things done on sequencers but this would be pushing all the boundaries :slight_smile:

Yes, of course. As a solo act I would play real time and lay down a couple of patterns for rhythm and then do a couple linear recordings for the melodic and solo parts as SoundRider says. I’ve been integrating patterns and linear recording for as long as I’ve been using midi. Try it out, it’s more fun in my opinion and it’ll sound human.

You’d just be using midi more like a multitrack recorder instead of an event generator. :slight_smile:

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Step sequencing that feel would be super tedious, for sure. You’d have to spend a lot more time on gate length for notes and rests than most of us are used to. :wink:

Cheers. I know it sounds a bit naff but could you sequence it anyway without the humaness you mention and then pass it through a gated filter or filler like in Reason and then move it back to the sequencer.

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Sure, if you’re happy with the end product. Funkiness isn’t randomness though. :slight_smile:

So today lets shred a C chord.

Maybe listen to some up tempo weather report as well.

To sequence that session would be a task on a DAW, on a step…forget it.

Its just an up tempo jazz fusion groove and the musicians having some fun without venturing outside C.

What is it you like? The fast groove? The musicians playing off each other?

Regarding drums like that l. They are all about micro timbral dynamic changes as well as countless little variations. Sound, Vibe and attitude.

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For something at this tempo, it is ALL about the attitude, energy. Think of it like a chaotic Jackson Pollack painting in comparison to say something simpler by Lichtenstein…which is easier to copy?

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Yes a good analogy as im a painter i can visualize this. I was thinking it sounds very syncopated with little reverb or delay. Hence the sequencer came into mind. It has a lot of notes yes and would take a lot of effort. Not impossible then. Just a lot of work. Now im going to start drippppping some paint onto a large square canvas just to prove you wrong ::smiley:


It it sequenced. With human sequencers. The secret is the funk, groove and attitude parameters are set somewhere between 10 and 11.

(I love SP and that track blows my mind every time I watch it).


“Could this track be Sequenced”

A better question is “why” one would want to sequence an improvisational noodly jazz band.

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Exactly. Coloring outside the lines. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Because its there. :slight_smile:

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Blew my mind as well :slight_smile:

just… please don’t with that rhetoric

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you could try to sequence just parts of that track and then make your own thing out of that parts.

I tried to sequence a very long guitar loop I made recently. in that loop I accidantley mixed up different timings/meters but i liked that loop a lot. gave up sequencing it but thought about going to a jazz teacher to help me transcribe/recompose it.
but at the end it maybe makes more sense to learn and practice more and then do a “one take”

Replying to Sabana…oops

I get the impression those guys were amusing themselves with that session.

Just remember that its not just a case of dripping paint on canvas (but i am sure you realise this). Try and get some of the feel… Then go chuck the paint around.

Rather clever edit of the “Lingus” video I must admit. The original is definitely not stuck in the key of C major.

Now i feel like a right one. Did not even double check and actually look at what i was hearing!