Crazy Volume increase on the first hit when I switch through kit banks

I have different patterns and kits and when I am playing live and switching through them (bank A1 to A2, etc), sometimes the first hit will have a huge volume increase and then go back to normal.

I am playing in Direct Start mode, but I have switched to Sequencial and it still happens.

It sounds terrible and I dont know how to avoid it.

Please help

Do your compressor settings change from kit to kit?

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Yes they do

My first guess at volume changing as you change pattern is that the compressor settings for the Kit in the second Pattern shift the levels a lot. As the Kit changes, so the Rytm needs to do “something” with the signal passing through the compressor. I don’t know what it does, but it’s very easy to imagine there’s a period of time where the signal suddenly becomes uncompressed, and then compressed again.

A way to test/fix this would be to have matching compressor settings on the two Kits. I appreciate this is awkward.