Cre8audio East Beast & West Pest

That last video shows how fast the West Pest is to work with. I think it will be fairly controllable for performance once you are familiar with it.

So there is a WP manual already. That might help show how controllable it is.

And the Cre8audio page for the West Pest.

We shouldn’t have called it Pest.
It just rhymed with West…

They both seem like a lot of synth for the money to me.

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The sound of the East Beast is more immediately pleasing, but we hear that sort of sound a lot, and the people doing the demos also have more familiarity with it. I’ve come to appreciate the West Coast approach through working with modular, and I suspect we’ll hear more interesting sounds from the West Pest as more people get their hands on one. The two together would have quite a lot of potential, I think.


Wish more manufacturers would implement sliders for ADSR, but knobs will work just fine. Both of these will find a home in my Frankenstein standard rack I’m shocking to life.

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Have cancelled my preorder now, as that woody tone of the west pest basslines has me looking…

Would someone please make a skin for these synths though?

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I like the sound, and look, of both synths tbh.


You should BeDazzle yours…


The volume of sales for this, and the moderate size, virtually guarantees that there will be overlays, and likely, special versions from Cre8audio. Eventually.

I’m fine with both as they are.

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I cringe at the thought

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You don’t like black ?

Given their track record, what they would consider “special” is likely to induce seizures

Or if BeDazzling isn’t your thing, hydro-dip it…


NiftyKEYZ is black.

True. Perhaps there is hope.

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The real magic is in flock printed skins obviously

Any indication of enormous volume on these?

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The price.

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I think the West Pest looks better than the Beast. I like the black and yellow, probably the closest I’d come to owning the ESP Gnat of my dreams.
Tempting, and I already own a Voltage Lab. I am a little surprised they left out a square wave option, since the whole point of their Warp circuit is to make a square wave foldable…

Seems that the West Pest is available for pre-order.

Interesting price and features. I’m not a big fan of the design, though.

How difficult would it be to fab up faceplates for these?

I’ve looked into it for Eurorack modules before and it’s not the cheapest thing in the world but with the right volume and a killer design I feel like there’s a good side hussle for someone with this.

They’re euro compatible as well from what I remember, so some nice silver faceplates could be quite popular - and with the cheapness of the synth I don’t think people would mind spending an extra £20 on making it look sick.

Some folks will love the designs though, they’ll probably be a bit marmite. I still respect them for breaking the mould.


The West Pest is quite appealing … does anybody know if cre8audio typically use wall warts with switchable prongs or will it be a regional specific psu - therefore (if like me you don’t like added converters) you need to source locally ?!