Create pack model:cycle?


How do you create a pack for the Model:Cycle?

I googled it without result… i am curious to understand how it is done, specially for the chords and FM synthesis part.


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You mean a sound pack I guess. I think you do that with the Transfert app, for grabbing the sounds you made.

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Yes a sound pack.

But what about the chords?

It plays them in different notes and you can choose between minor, 9th, sus etc.

You are right the key is peobably in the transfer app. I will look into it.


You can just do a sound with one chord with this machine. Up to the user to change that after, regarding in witch scale he will be.

And maybe it’s the same with the settings of the reverb and delay, because you cannot, for exemple, having a quick delay on one track, and a long in another (because the delay and reverb are shared, like a bus).

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