Creating long sets

I’ve been watching Dataline and LEM videos on youtube where they create really long sets just using Elektron gear and I’m wondering what the best way to go about that is.

I assume they’re programming the entire sets and then have a long song set up which they can then tweak live. Is there anything else to it?


The alternative is to not program a linear live set, but to improvise around and over a simple pattern, live recording and live tweaking the parts. Some people use a single pattern to run an entire set.

Gotcha. I guess that would require me to be a bit more music-theory inclined, haha.

Or I could do all the melodic patterns prior and then do live beats and fx.

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That’s what I figured. I guess it just means making a ton of patterns and then remembering how they flow together.

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Yeah. I’m all about being organized. I’ve had the MnM for about 2 months and the MD since yesterday. Still learning them and such, but I already try to keep shit well organized so that I can find stuff easily.

Playing long sets with elektron (or any) gear is not a technical issue. For me, it’s like planning a travel between different land (or sound) scapes: you just have to think about the travel itself, and not the destination (who cares where to go, the important is the way you go somewhere). Technically, I prepare my patterns in advance in order to be able to improvise with this “stock” of patterns, and I never use song mode. I got every pattern of two or three banks occupied, and some of them correspond to breaks, some are for the fills, some are bridges, etc.

If you want a short extract of my set, it’s here:

Usually, when I play in free parties contexts, I can play during 1 ou 2 hours, sometimes 3 or 4 depending on the chemistry and the audience :wink: