Critter & Guitari - EYESY Video Synthesizer

Eesh. Which country are you in? I’m UK, and the latest update is that they’ve calculated customs fees and are sending me a letter detailing them and how to pay… I’d happily just call them now to pay, but
I’ve got to wait through the ridiculous old fashioned letter method…!

This is cool, I love the little screen vibe. I’ve got an HDMI recorder awaiting my Eyesy, hoping it all hooks up and works easily :crossed_fingers:

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Yeah, the little screen is fun - it’s a ‘uperfect’ brand from alibaba. The set up on the EYESY was super easy - just plug in the hdmi and everything worked! The eyesy is much simpler to use than the organelle imo.

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I’ve been enjoying the EYESY a lot, its a really compact little unit.

I know what you mean, but kinda disagree…

the pygame stuff, its supposed to be simplistic and geometric - it actually looks particularly good when it its blown up to a big size/projected (people have been doing this with the ETC for a while), for sure on a small monitor its perhaps not that interesting - but it can go further than you might imagine.

but the main reason for it, is its simple to code , easy for a beginner.

also it means for ‘release’ that all the info made available for the ETC is relevant to the EYESY.

the opengl stuff you reference is rather different, this is done using openframeworks with a lua ‘plugin’, and its not quite as simple to code (imo) - though still its not too hard.

this engine is already pre-installed on the eyesy but you will have to start it manually.
I think its still undecided how this will be released for general use, but technically it already works.

(perhaps once a body of presets is made, it’ll become the default mode… and pygame a kind of ‘legacy’ mode?)

there are quite a few other interesting opportunities possible on the eyesy, due to the changed hardware (e.g. stereo in and quad core cpu) - that will evolve over time.

I’ve personally a few plans with the eyesy, but the summer heat and other projects means I haven’t given it the attention I planned.
but now a few more are receiving it, this’ll perhaps give me some motivation :slight_smile:

if you have any ideas what you would like to see in an EYESY demo/tech video let me know…
I guess some kind of overview, for those new to EYESY/ETC?
then later I can get more into coding?
how many are likely to code/create their own presets?
( I think most users on ETC used the presets others created, particularly C&Gs)


Eyesy will be an instant purchase when I get the notification.

I’ve been playing with the waaave_pool by Andrei Jay lately through a projector. It’s going to be wild to play eyesy into the w_p

This is what Andrei is up to:

This is something I got out of w_p:

P.s. @thetechnobear I would love to see your overview video and just more eyesy content in general

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I just took delivery after 21 days in customs wtf.


Eesh. That’s ridic. I’m still awaiting my letter from the UK customs. It’s taking SO LONG!

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Woohoo, Eyesy arrived today! I’ve been experimenting with it this afternoon. I’ll try to do a proper video with it this week :muscle:


Just received an Email that it is available now on the C&G website. 395 usd + another 150 usd for shipping (to EU) though… :astonished:

It looks very nice; a good cheap alternative for Windows is VVVV with whom I have done many VJ sessions and generative video installations, its workflow is similar to Puredata but more focused on animation.

Crikey :astonished: I was half tempted! I might wait to see if they come into stock here at some point instead

odd, its ‘only’ showng $56 for me to ship to Spain.

that said, thats still high - but perhaps they will ship to distributors (as they have in the past with the Organelle), that could make it cheaper.

for me, the best thing about the eyesy (imho) is that its standalone
(you have hdmi/composite output ready to go, audio inputs and hands-on control)
this makes it quick and easy to just turn it on an go :slight_smile:

given we are in lockdown, its not gone out much … but I have been using it in conjuction with a cheap (20$?) video capture card off ebay for some jamuary videos… e.g.

sure, I could have done this with computer software… but having it hands-on/quick to go, just meant it occured to me, to trying adding it… and having some fun playing with it.

it was really quick to do… I just used a green background on eyesy, recorded video via capture card - then in final cut pro, use keyer to do green screening.
simple, quick and fun.


Just checked again - rates for France seem to have come slightly down since yesterday evening (which is strange), but they are still too high for me…


Moreover, I believe there is a risk that customs + VAT could come on top:


I also hope for EU distributors.

ah, it offered me USPS (so postal service) , which was cheaper - perhaps thats not an option for France?

Of course, i am also very curious about this way of doing visuals… mine was a suggestion only for those who find difficult to get this kind of stand alone video synth!
I am wondering actually if i could import in some way the animations done with VVVV

Indeed, it’s a good trick using the keying. I did similar in this which has eyesy throughout:

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I got my Eyesy last Friday and the thing is pretty rad.

It’s really really simple in what it outputs, so I’m looking forward to more complex patches in the future, but for now it plays well into the waaave_pool I’ve got.

Video synths have all of my attention as of late.

I’m also on a waiting list for this lil dood:

@thetechnobear when can we expect Orac for Eyesy?!


But it does excite me to know that YOU have an Eyesy.


Is anyone using the beta firmware that allows 3d programming in eyesy yet? I’m tempted to have a go…

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You mean the version that exposes open frameworks?
Yes, I’ve always used it. Works great.

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if I know p5js or processing, how difficult is it to learn open frameworks? what do you think?