Critter & Guitari - EYESY Video Synthesizer

openframeworks (aka ofx) is the api/engine, usually coded in C++

however, C&G have used a LUA wrapper around it ( * ) , ofxLua (iirc) - so that makes it easier for non-programmers to create things (Lua is a pretty user friendly language unlike C++ )

open framworks - documentation | openFrameworks
ofxLua - ofxLua - extend - openFrameworks

I’ll be honest, Ive not had the time create my own ofx modes, mainly its been messing around - just seeing how it works.

However, I think ofx + lua is not any harder to create modes than pygame/python (the other option on eyesy/etc) - perhaps easier (well I guess not if you already know python/pygame :wink: )

hard to say , how newcomers are going to find it… I think the only way is to ‘give it a go’.
that said, the C&G forum is very friendly, so Im sure if people start trying to use it, and post questions - then others will help out.

Ive been meaning to dive a bit deeper into Open Frameworks for a long time, and specfically now want to give it a go on the eyesy, but like everyone else - its just a matter of finding time :slight_smile:

a couple of notes/observations
a) this firmware still allows you to run both the original modes and the new ofx modes

b) you have start either the ofx or pygame ‘engine’,
which you switch between using the web app. (and is remembered between reboots)
so you cannot use the mode switch buttons to move between ofx and pygame modes. they will just move you between the modes in that ‘engine’

c) there are only a few ofx modes as examples.
this perhaps makes it difficult for begineers, since you cannot just tinker with existing examples as you can with pygame engine.

d) ofx mode does not support all features of the eyesy (yet) , the beta release notes mention what is supported and what is not… that said, its still very much useable.

note: I believe (my personal opinion only) ‘mid term’ C&G will possibly move mainly to OFX. I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes the default, once the existing pygame modes have been ‘ported’ to ofx. mainly because its more flexible, and much more effecient.
(that said pygame whilst a bit clunky, does a really good job on the eyesy)


thank you for the detailed response, very appreciate it. finding time is probably the main challenge here, you’re right.

I’m focused on learning threejs at the moment but curious to check this later.

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Just received a response from Critter & Guitari re distribution of EYESY in EU:

“Yes, the EYESY will eventually be available to dealers in Europe. This should happen in the coming months.”



I finally got around to sorting out the openframeworks firmware today… and it’s awesome! In terms of visuals, this is what I was always hoping the Eyesy would be! I’m obsessed just with one of the three presets, I’ve been just playing with that and having a great time. Going to try my hand at a bit of coding, see if I can make some of my own presets – wish me luck!

Now, if Critter and Guitari can get the midi functions working on this firmware by the time COVID lifts and we can start gigging again, that would be awesome!

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For anyone who wants to see the Eyesy running openGL / ofLua beta, I’ve just dropped a handful of videos on YouTube. The audio is all excerpts from my latest film score commission, as yet unreleased, hence I’m having some fun by putting out a few solo’d textures with my own visuals!

I’ve loved finding / using / adapting / coding some ofLua modes. I’d recommend giving it a try for anyone that already has an Eyesy. Anyhow, hopefully these short videos are enjoyable for people!


these are awesome!

you should post these same links on here:

this page needs some more cool stuff.


Thanks! I always forget there’s a C&G forum, I’ll drop them over there for sure, thanks for the reminder!


Love those, I want an eyesy now :slight_smile:


I’ve got an eyesy but I have no coding ability whatsoever - could I download / run these modes somehow? The critter site never seems to make it clear where they are at with the alternate firmware.

It’s not too tricky - I’d recommend a separate micro sd card though, because flashing the firmware onto it will totally wipe it first. There are a few steps to follow, a few bits of software / interfaces to navigate. And some tricks with compressing folders etc. Then there are 3 factory patches already in the firmware, plus just a handful that you can download from Patchstorage. Worth noting that there are quite a lot of features not yet working with ofLua – like midi for example. But it’s all doable, and didn’t take me too long!


Eyesy is now announced by some of their European retailers, e.g. in Italy (479 EUR) and in Switzerland (449 CHF). :slight_smile:

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Announced for 409EUR at


Elevator Sound in Bristol (UK) have them in stock for £359.

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Just ordered an Eyesy should be here on Tursday.
Any other users here?


Yep, me! I hope you enjoy getting to know it. I’ve got some videos above using ofLua firmware.

Be sure to read the manual and check into the C&G forum if you’re planning to do any coding or firmware changes… Otherwise, it’s pretty easy to explore :raised_hands:

I have had it some time and like its quick setup and effects, but I have not yet programmed anything myself, nor installed the Lua firmware. I believe that this will be a big step forward. I find the C&G Eyesy forum very quiet overall, more focused on tech support than inspiration in terms of actual device use (I was mostly interested in live use, and have been thinking about Midi sequencing from the OT).

If I understand it correctly, Eyesy patches always react to the overall gain of the incoming signal. I would find it interesting to be able to focus on specific frequency bands within the device.

Finally, as I make most music without a computer screen close by, I bought a small, postcard-sized HDMI screen, which I put next to my gear to benefit from the Eyesy vibe in real time.

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Mine is still in the post. But it looks like I need to learn a little about code to dig deeper. Looking fwd.

Good tip!

I think generally this is true, and is a bit of a hang over from the ETC.
the ETC didn’t have enough cpu processing power to do the graphics and also audio processing.
… so it only sampled at a sample rate of 8k… , and not enough to do something like FFT. only looking at amplitude (and ‘triggering’)

and the patches released are basically those for the ETC.

however, the Eyesy , is like the OrganelleM - and had a 4 core cpu (CM3) , so now would have enough cpu to do some audio processing.

Id need to go have a look at my Eyesy about how best to do this.

of course, this will be possible using Open frameworks , not sure about with pygame/ofLua … I need to go double check a few things.

My latest EYESY creation:

There are a few modes at play here, I’m pleased that I managed to customise the font for the middle / end sections! Headphones recommended


Holy shit dude. That is EXCELLENT!
I have an Eyesy and had dreams of getting anywhere close to those skills.
Amassed some Lua learning materials etc. but then life got on top of me and it all took a back seat.
Any tips for where to start?
I’m on the C&G forum. I do code a bit in my job, but its all biostatistics stuff (R stats). Little bit of max/msp.