
Well after the 2017 bubble I just gave up on crypto and forgot about it. Decided to check my wallet earlier this year and boom I got a fat stack of cash. Much more difficult to just forget about it now lol.

And Doge was literally crated as a joke. Just look at the chart, two weeks ago it was $0.007… I wouldn’t touch it.

proper. success story that tho :slight_smile:

I got in on the 2017 run when btc was around 500€, eth was €60 n ltc was €5. was totally clueless n had feck all spare cash at the time tho so only threw in about 250 squids.

this time I’ve been hopping from alt to alt. goin up x3, leaving it too long n back to zero, then jumping ship to another… x2, leave it too long n back to zero. etc etc. not the best tactic :joy:

I’m all in on Aave at the mo n just forgetting about it now.

Ha I’ve lost money on every short term trade I’ve ever done. Latest was GME… closed my robinhood after that and moved the funds into vanguard.

AAVE seems a good choice longer term. I put all my spare cash in my wallet into AVAX and its already up 300% :flushed:

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yea i heard some dudes sayin yesterday avax has some good prospects. man it’s flyin at the moment

ya I didn’t think so. he’s all over it cuz Musk is promoting it…I think Musk, tho a genius…is kind of a kook.


It’s just like when he tweeted that tesla’s stock price was too high and then it tanked lol


You do not have to dump your entire savings into it. No reason not to hold a small position.

For me there is…I’m batting 0 for 100. :slight_smile:

Anyone on here mining these days?

Im getting a GPU from a friend so Im going to build a small rig for mining ETH . Im sure it was the MSI RTX 2070 super. I might buy another now and maybe more later. I recon up to 4 max.

Any suggestions on decent motherboard/cpu to run 2-4 cards like this. I doubt you need much cpu/ram for purely mining as most of the work will be done on GPU.

Ive saw this but not sure if better sticking to a branded mobo/cpu. Any pointers appreciated. Thanks

I tried. It is now the fourth time in a row I get a warning from the platform ebay Kleinanzeigen that the respective seller maybe a fraud:

"Am 11.02.2021 um 09:02 Uhr hattest du Kontakt zu einem Nutzer auf eBay Kleinanzeigen. Dies betraf die Kommunikation zur Anzeige ‘Elektron Rytm MK2’ (Anzeigennummer 1661016023). Der Zugang des Nutzers, mit dem du Kontakt hattest, wurde vorübergehend durch uns eingeschränkt. … … Wenn du noch keine Zahlung oder keine Ware erhalten hast, schließ die Transaktion NICHT ab und sende keine Ware oder veranlass keine Zahlung an den Nutzer. Wenn du die Ware bereits verschickt hast, versuch das Versandunternehmen zu kontaktieren und wenn möglich den Versand zu stoppen. etc.

Btw. that advertised Rytm MK2 wasn’t too cheap to be true (900 EUR) but a good price. :neutral_face:

Bottom line: Listed prices on unsafe platforms may not reflect market prices. But also listed prices on ebay might not reflect market prices (often inflated, most sell for less) :slight_smile:

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anyone get the avalanche airdrop?

you’re eligible if you held either uni or sushi on the 7th Dec last.

worth about €2.3k at current prices.


In 2021, most Bitcoin is produced – mined – in China by massive computer servers solving unnecessarily complex math problems where subsidized coal-fired power plants produce some of the cheapest energy in the world. It’s a not-unlikely coincidence that a huge amount of Bitcoin is mined in Xinjiang province, the same place where Uighur Muslim minorities have been inflicted with horrific human rights abuses mining the very same coal used to create Bitcoin.

This privileged crypto-colonialism almost exclusively benefits white men and it’s happening at a moment when the escalating climate emergency is causing escalating chaos that better deserves our electricity and our attention.


I think with new inventions, efficiency is always a problem.
Remember the first electronic cars, they were not at all good to the environment to produce.
Efficiency is the big thing here, that’s why polkadot is rising.
So I am not that negative, but I also think it is not good at all

But the idea of blockchain networks is creepy

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I predict this crypto-casino business, in combination with a stock market completely detached from reality, will result in a violent end for late capitalism.

Guys, you should mine even more! The quicker this folly peaks, the better for the rest of us.

I’m really glad my skepticism died right before Christmas, and I made the decision to fully invest. I have no doubt about my investments.

“Purrrrrrfect”, said the devil and rubbed his hands.

The result of countless rounds of quantitative easing, corporate bail outs, total lack of counter party risk for SIFIs, buyer of last resort backstops and “stimulus payments”, no doubt.


It’s not a coincidence that crypto has blown up at a time of low interest rates and massive inflation in the price of all financial assets. You can see in equities markets that share prices have reached a height that can’t be justified by any rational analysis, but peoples’ speculative urges have to go somewhere. So what better asset than one that cannot be priced, whose potential upside is - if you go along with the narrative - infinite? And when the price of existing crypto goes too high, you can just make another one. Perfect.
I don’t think there’s any limit on how high crypto can go in the short/medium term, but I’m pretty confident it will implode completely in the medium term.
Anyway, it’s nice to see some other skeptics out, working in tech I’m surrounded by true believers (Cypto, Elon, Cathie Wood, it’s a real herd mentality…)


I believe in Cathie Wood and Elon Musk.

Remember 2001? Dotcom? Same mechanism at work now.
Let’s hope you bet on the right horses.
Let’s just be honest and call it gambling, ok?