
One shouldn’t underestimate the relationship between credit expansion and asset prices. Homes prices are at all time highs in my neighborhood right now, surpassing the meteoric rise and crash of 2005-2010.

BTC is already the proven choice. All these government “cryptos” coming out are just basically stable coins. Governments will find ways to leverage BTC to their advantage. They’ll be finding ways to attract BTC wealth, not lose access to it imo.

Interesting prognosis - evokes multiple scenarios. I don’t have technical knowledge to back this up, but I reckon the technocrat-financial-governmental powers that be (TPTB) - in the US primarily - absolutely could destroy any crypto, or any channel of communication over the internet in its current form at, least in the US and EU. But so far they’re letting cryptos be. That, and recent developments, suggest BTC is endorsed by the TPTB. And nation states outside the western alliance appear unable to ban cryptos. The Chinese gov announced with fanfare not long ago a ban on BTC and crypto trading, but there’s not been any reports from the CPC of the ban’s success. I suspect crypto trading ban will be like the ban on online betting there - unenforceable, or simply weekly enforced due to powerful individual “interests” within the state apparatus. But if TPTB in the US want / agree to screw BTC (at least its value), I reckon they have the means.

More broadly, I guess blockchain technologies will flourish, but maybe on a more local / decentralized level as a means of exchange - especially if hyperinflation comes along, which is likely.

A move in the US to “nationalize” crpto wealth wouldn’t be without precedence:

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Lol. I’m so glad I’m not scared of BTC or ETH. My investments made around Christmas are already up about $65,000 and rising. I can almost lose half now, and just be where I started.

Like I said; governments will find ways to attract BTC wealth, not lose access to it. This is already happening.


FCX is very solid.

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If I hadn’t fully invested myself in BTC/ETH and MJ stocks, I would definitely had invested in copper and natural gas.

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I need to know more about this stuff

So far I’ve been lucky but I’ve found I keep topping up my btc/eth each week so I’m loosing track of ‘actual gains’ as it’s mixed in with me just adding money.

Lots of different coins / new ones appearing and I’ve starting to look at shares

My overall thoughts are ‘ it’s more interest than any bank account ‘ but still aware it’s possible to pop / go down

Currently installed
3x trading apps.
It’s slowly increasing

YouTube videos. I watch multiple channels daily to get a general sentiment about things. It’s crazy how useful YouTube is.

Maybe time to collect at least some of your profits to date from BTC/ETH and put them into copper and natural gas? It’s quite possible the current price surge could be similar to the spike 2016 with a significant drop not too far off.

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Any recommendations?

I’ve been watching for about a decade now, and things are definitely different now. I’d basically be rehashing everything I’ve already said in this thread. I’m very bullish on BTC/ETH, and I believe things have only begun.

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I like this guy’s channel because he communicates clearly:

My favorite channel for BTC technical analysis is this:


Ok, if you’re staying fully invested in BTC/ETH, I strongly suggest you at least collect some profit and invest in some music making machines and come to Elektronauts to gloat about them. :smiley:


I’ll just leave this here.
Even smart people get burned sometimes.

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You think the whole market is going to crash though. You’d rather not invest at this time so any investment would be a bad investment to you.

It’d bother me more to know that I’m just holding dollars instead of some appreciating assets.

With the advent of BTC futures, it’ll mean BTC can be shorted. I’m not saying it’ll happen, but TBTB could whack BTC like they do with gold. But with US big corps. announcing BTC investments it doesn’t look like an immediate prospect.

I expect this to eventually happen after the market cap explodes first.

Yea, BTC, ETH, and BCH keep gaining ground without losing it. Glad I have positions.

For 2021 I’m also buying up various sub $1/coin ethereum tokens (loopring, civic, a few others), as well as XLM. Using only gains I made from LTC.


Yup. Liquidate enough to cover your cost basis so you cannot lose. I cannot recommend this enough, regardless of the investment/speculative vehicle.