
yea nft’s are confusing.

they make more sense with regards to video games to me. minting, trading, selling in game skins / weapons etc. it looks like it’s gonna be huge.
shroom / gameswap / enjin.

What I don‘t get in terms of bitcoin and ether is their charts. In 2020 they went almost exponentially up but in the same way as all the major tech stocks. So there seems to be some kind of investment correlation. I am no expert. But it looks kind of strange if all of the charts rise in the same way. And everytime that happend in the past it was a major bubble. And this time its big. Shure it could be, that do many new people discoverd investment, that the whole market just went up. But even then its all small investors with shakey hands. So what makes one think the bubble will not explode big time? Tesla is massivly overblown. India just annonced it will ban crypto. And no government will ever let krypto take over without regulation.

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Crypto nah, … I prefer permaculture on mass scale, there is some real value.


No government will allow the production and selling of Cocaine on a large scale and yet its a multibillion dollar business .


I don’t want to weight in too deeply. But, ownership, rights and IP, transactional worth, censorship resistance and most importantly Identity are in the process of being transformed in front of our eyes.


Not convinced here! :money_mouth_face:

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Exactly my point !


Proof of work blockchain is a joke at the expense of future generations.


hi elektonaut fam.
I’ve a bunch of NFT’s of my art coming up in collaboration with new Charity Token - ElonGate.
I’ve posted some of my work here before (Michael Morris artist), dunno if you’ve seen it.

the coin is only a few days old n has mad traction already. 20k holders, 11mil market cap today.

and the nice part is it will continuously give to charity with every transaction (1% tax on every transaction) - Children International, UN WFP, Action Against Hunger, the Big Green Organizational, and more in the works.:+1:

80% from my NFT’s goes to charity which I’m really happy about. if you wanna check it out

:slight_smile: thanks

[Edit: Sunday 4/4/21 - we just donated $75,000 to Children International. our first donation after just a week on the market.

Elongate will donate to charity every week for ever] :heart::heart::heart:

[edit 2: 11/4/21 - 1 week after the first donation we have donated another $740,000. nearly a million dollars in 1 week].
$245,000 to Action Against Hunger.
$245,000 to Ocean Cleanup
and another $250,000 put into the fund for Big Green & The UN World Food Programme.


Crypto and tech stocks have the same buyers, and their price has gone up for the same reason — in a market flooded with liquidity, where all conventional assets are overpriced in tangible ways and have reached a price limit, money has flowed into assets that can’t be accurately valued at all. That’s the superpower that crypto and eg. Tesla share — you can’t * disprove * the wildly optimistic projections about them, so they can continue levitating indefinitely.

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Indefinitely, but perhaps not in the sense you intended. When the only thing determining worth is people’s belief in that worth, what happens when they stop believing?

If the only thing determining a price is sentiment, then there’s nothing to stop it levitating, as you say, or to stop it dropping on a whim or a scare.

As it happens, Bitcoin isn’t determined solely by sentiment. The increased investment and interest by powerful bodies means it’s likely to become increasingly stabilised and less subject to whim, but then that somewhat contradicts your point.

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This could be applied to art, perfume, clothing etc.
I don’t believe most things have ‘value’ … certainly not the price asked for it or adverts that claim ‘worth £xx’

Probably better for another time/thread.

I think broadly I’ve tried many crypto but Bitcoin has been the main one I’ve been lucky with.
It’s the closest thing I’ve come to ‘gambling/luck’ but ultimately the interest rates from banks is so low I’m taking the risk … but only with an amount I feel comfortable if I lost.

Currently it’s the travel costs I no longer need to pay due to COVID …

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I meant ‘indefinitely’ in the sense that it has no definite ending – I do believe that the bubble will burst, and violently, but I have no way of knowing when because I can’t predict things like central bank actions.

I do also believe that Bitcoin is driven almost entirely by sentiment. The investment by powerful bodies is FOMO on their part. But if there’s a general collapse in markets, I think they’ll sell their Bitcoin before they sell property, or gold, or stakes in profitable companies.


Right on. Yeah FOMO is everywhere right now, including central banks and large investments houses. PE ratio of 1000? Pffftt, you don’t wanna miss out bro. The Fed, ECB, BoE, Swiss central bank and the bank of China have thoroughly broken markets to the point where fundamentals aren’t even an after thought. And if that’s the case it means labor, efficiency and money no longer matter.

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Ah cool we’re on the same page then :slight_smile:

Still pretty early.
The poocoin token will now give premium features.
You’re welcome.

I’m waiting for RBLX to explode; I have 15% of my savings invested in it.

Any thoughts here about Coinbase going public on April 14th? It seems to be the most common trading platform for Cryptocurrency

It’s going to be pretty highly valued out the gate, but it is a solid investment imo. They make so much $ from transactions.

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Yeah, this is how I was seeing it too. The buy, sell, and trade fees are a lot. I’m thinking I may dump some money into it, thinking it may stick around for awhile as a mainstream crypto trading app.