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hmm interesting. now i just need to figure out how to set up a roth and trade this in my roth? that’s what i don’t understand. how do i specifiy that i’m trading this in my roth?

When you create a Roth account, you’ll need to put some funds in it. After that, you can use that account to buy any stocks you want (such as ETHE).

so even though i can put a max of $6500 into the roth, if i gain profits from the ETHE it won’t count or something? what about the money I make above $6500 from ETHE?

Yeah, the $ you take out after all your gains will not be taxed. The big catch is you have to wait until you’re 59 to begin taking funds out if you don’t want to have to pay any taxes on your gains.

ah i see. so you’re not making the cheddar now, but you will be making the cheddar in the future?

edit: or rather, you’re making it now, but can’t utilize it until the future.

Yep, it’s for retirement. I also want to get a digital wallet eventually to hold real ETH so I can get the benefits of more liquid assets that also make gains from interest.

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: yeah new world is coming. And I am hopeful that cryptokiddies have no say in it because it‘s not a system for everyone to participate in. What a bunch of crap.

How inclusive the Blockchain is? Try to sell an NFT on Opensea. You will have to pay such high fees to even participate that poor people even can‘t. So much on changing the system. Hypocrates😄

That’s what I heard yesterday as well with NFT fees being so high that lots of artist have more fee than return.

By the way… am I the inly one who finds all crypto market apps are shit?

I use Binance and Coinbase and both faul so hard at visualising the important information. I use TradeRepublic for stocks and they do it so much better (One-pager with how many stocks, % gains etc. which you can actually can read without clicking 5x to different tabs).

I thought “okay maybe I need to go Binance Pro” … and well … you even get less of an overview and info. Wth? Is there maybe a solution for this? Or I guess I’ll be waiting for TradeRepublic until they let me buy coins there - in a few days)

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It´s what the cryptokiddies won´t see. people get rich. The people that own the infrastructure and not the artist. It´s the same as before.


Legend talk right there…!

you can sell on other websites using other chains and other network than expensive ones :ok: less speculative by the way :slight_smile:
but you seem limited
you have the typical doomer rage
I wanted to sell on rarible I bought some shitcoins and made my 20k from 1500 in two month
for a noob it’s pretty good is it ?

you seems limited

The only people who are not aware are 50+
that’s called the evolution
are you @ old peoples home ?

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it’s not because you don’t know solutions they don’t exist kid

but I don’t know why I talk you, you have been condescending since your first message
by the way I won’t share you the other art NFT network

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So you won´t share the other art NFT Network :joy: Then don´t…

I grew up on enemy stereotypes like Gordon Gecko. And to be honest cryptokiddies like you are the next level of that guy. It´s now a known fact how harmful crypto is to enviroment bitcoin as well as ether and in that regard NFTs. So you proudly telling me how how YOU made 20k from 1,5k makes you no more than a modern day Gorden Gecko if you like it or not. Only thing that is different is the fact that those greedy stock market guys know for shure that their money and wealth is based on greed and in many cases ecological exploitation. And you really think you participate in a game where you can get rich while changing the world for the better. Smart move from the guys in charge to really make you believe that. But if all the money spend would have gone in education you would not believe and bitcoin would not be gib enough to consume enough energy to compete with countrys while you still think turning 1,5 into 20k by doing no work at all is a economical fair trade.


Not even speaking about who has to internet access (let alone financial) to this “world-changing currency”

I’m “happy” for everyone’s success. But don’t for one second act like you’re taking part in some r/evolution. It’s only the same game, upgraded.


Unreaded doomee

You have been given Arguments, best one is the one right above. All you say is doomee and you don´t understand and you are old ( which by the way I am not :wink: )and you are not the evolution and and and…this is not an Argument here. Take it as it is

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

homophob insuluts are the future…we can agree on that. :man_facepalming: