
Victim process activated.

Fake wealth and money for nothing seems to go perfectly with the times. Itā€™s Tulip Bulb Mania all over again, except tulips were at least a real commodity.


I seem to be scrolling through insults and withdrawn comments

This is just a crypto thread ?
Flagging success , the occasional. Complaint that things have gone down ā€¦. Tips on best apps / websites to use.


Blockchain app seems to fall over a lot , I agree the apps are currently quite bad.

Coinbase needs lots of page flipping to see portfolio and the actual change in currency value.

Etoro isnā€™t so bad , at least I can easily see how much I bought and if Iā€™m in profit or loss.

I need a good app to consolidate things.
Any ideas (iOS)

Maybe I get all my answer from coin bureau on YouTube.

Any other recommendations on who to follow on YouTube / web / Instagram/ Twitter

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Coinstats is a good app for aggregating your positions into a price-tracked portfolio. iOS and macOS. Its free tier is functional enough.


Fiduciary! Cool! Good on ya. We could try and start another thread on the magic of compound interest, low-fee Vanguard S&P 500 index funds, and tax deferred retirement accounts, but I donā€™t think it would have the sexy techno sparkle of crypto. Oh well. :money_mouth_face: :cry: My kind of investing is dry, boring, automated, and takes at least 1-2 decades of sacrifice and patience. But in the end itā€™s definitely worth it. I wish more people would express an interest in that - to the point where thereā€™s a huge thread about it on an electronic music forum.

I will say, I get the appeal of crypto and it might be interesting to have a ā€œfun moneyā€ account to mess around with a few thousand bucks. No more money than I might take to Vegas. But then, I always come back to, why wouldnā€™t I just put that extra few thousand in VTSAX?

Iā€™ll leave a bit of unsolicited, non-legally binding, old-fart advice. Make a spreadsheet for all your crypto investments with relevant data. Amounts invested, contribution dates, ROI, fees, all that good stuff. And compare it to what would have happened if you invested the same amounts in something like VTSAX inside an IRA, 401k, etc. Track it for 3-4 years. See if your ROI is better in crypto or index funds. Then act accordingly. Diversify, sell, buy more, whatever.


I have no clue what vtsax is ( though itā€™s like as Iā€™m in Uk ) we donā€™t have 401kā€™s etc. ā€¦ though Iā€™m sure we have the equivalent ā€¦ just called something different.

I do track how much Iā€™ve put into which wallet to compare with their current value ā€¦ itā€™s quite simple.
I havenā€™t drawn out any money yet but Iā€™m quite aware that I should be prepared for tax , fees etc.

I do often think I may have made more by leaving it on Bitcoin and eth instead of spreading across alt coins , cardano , etc etc.
my view is simple ā€¦ itā€™s doing more than any bank account (in the uk ).

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VTSAX is a low fee index fund tracking the total stock market. Admittedly, I have no knowledge of how things work outside of the US system of taxable accounts or tax-deferred accounts like 401kā€™s, 457bā€™s, 403bā€™s, (Roth) IRAā€™s, etc.

Iā€™m glad you are keeping track of all your data. Keep it up. Thatā€™s key for any investment, imho, whether itā€™s index funds, crypto, real estate, art, etc. Math doesnā€™t lie. Memory does. My worry is for the people that donā€™t track their data and get caught up in hype and excitement, only to realize years later they might have been much better off doing automated investments into stock index funds such as VTSAX.

For the record, Iā€™m not totally anti-crypto. But Iā€™m skeptical. Iā€™m skeptical of a ton of things in life, especially the financial realm, haha! I just know what has worked for a loooot of people for long-term building of true (modest) wealth, and financial security/independence.

I have no doubt crypto can be better than letting your money sit in a bank getting eaten alive by inflation, but there are proven, and perhaps more stable and reliable alternatives.

Yeh Thats how I feel but it dont stop me playing the game a little.

Investing in gold 6 months ago would have been worse than holding cash.

Iā€™ve done my share of precious metal investing in the past. Nothing major. It didnā€™t work out well for me. I donā€™t advise anyone do that outside of a few thousand, max, for extreme SHTF scenarios if it helps them sleep better. I only have a few hundred of silver left.

But, honestly I really donā€™t keep up with short-term investing and constant buying and selling. Iā€™m a boring long-term buy and hold type.

I kick myself sometimes for dropping a bunch of money into a S&P 500 index fund instead of Crypto a few months back. Though it really is the safer bet and I have a family to support. I canā€™t go all in on crypto, too risky.

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I also kick myself. I literally asked people (who were holding eth) if I should buy it and they basically said ā€œI wouldnā€™tā€ and itā€™s too risky and blah blah blah. When it was 1k I was like ā€œwell maybe when it dips ill buy someā€ and then it hit 2k. Put a bit into the SPY instead. Come to pass eth goes up 4x. This past week I decided screw it and bought a bunch when it dipped below 4k again. Tired of regretting not buying it earlier lol.

I get it. Investing is a long term game with compounding interest and yadda yadda. I do some of thatā€¦ but crypto is fun. And so far a 15% ROI every couple weeks is reasonable for me and that can be a nice chunk of coin.

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This was me about 2 years ago. I saw about 5% ROI after 2 years and decided I needed to go for an entirely different strategy at the beginning of this year and here I am now.

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Same hereā€¦ my stock investments went from 20% to almost 0% in the last days. Of course ā€œnow is the time to buy more!!ā€ ā€¦but I donā€™t have so much money to spend and I am seeing the better returns in crypto right now. Sucks to be me!

Everything Iā€™ve stated so far in this thread and everything I ever state in this thread is not financial advice; Iā€™m just some dude.

There. Now, thereā€™s no way of blaming me if you get wrecked lol.

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No doubtā€¦ my credo so far:

Buy high sell low! Always perfect market timing like the rest of us novice investors.

I hope my next investment wonā€™t fail so hard just after a year of investing :grinning:

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Timing is so damn difficult and technical analysis isnā€™t always correct, but Iā€™ve found buying when the big dips come usually is best and waiting for the market to bounce back. Iā€™ve been making some profits off Litecoin on Robinhood by doing this (I am not a financial advisor btw)

aye. buy when thereā€™s blood in the streets.

unless the project is sh1t or whatever :joy:
thatā€™s the tricky part.

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Shitcoins are something I just canā€™t get behind when there is no solid use case. Itā€™s just more helpful for my mental well being, instead of trying to get rich quick. Less risk, less reward, but Iā€™ve accumulated a decent amount of wealth over time with this strategy.

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Same here! Iā€™m just another dude. I wish everyone well with their investing, no matter what vehicle or methods. :smile: