
yea i hear ya. I’ve hopped in and out of a bunch recently and never felt secure. ended up either getting rugged, or losing a few Bob. it’s so hard to know they have any real utility, competent team, not gonna get rugged etc when they’re so young.

I got in on Elongate on day one (u can see my post above from March 27th) purely by fluke. and also fluked that they ended up building a serious team n unique use case.
I’ve 250x’d in 6 weeks n it’s really only getting started. absolute fluke in so many ways tho for the stars to align like that n not get shafted.

I then threw a few quid at another day 1 token just to see what would happen.
got rugged in less than 2 hours :joy:


No doubt, it’s a gamble for sure. Congrats on the fluke though. Feels good to get lucky sometimes. Any thoughts on the NFT movement, you being an artist and all?

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thanks bro.

I’m actually doing a couple of NFT’s for EG. they’re going live next month.
tbh tho, I don’t get the NFT art space at all. I don’t think I’m alone either :joy:
I (think I) get it with regards to intellectual property rights etc, but I still can’t wrap my head around people wanting to pay for a digital piece of art. I know it’s a store of value but it’s still weird.

my elongate ones I’m happy to do tho cause they’re for charity. that’s cool.

what do you make of em?


I think you’ve summed it up pretty well here. I think it’s almost just like having bragging rights for people that have money to burn. I also can’t imagine owning an orginal copy of something digital, but then again I’m not wealthy.

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NFTs always make me think of Oscar Wilde and “Art for art’s sake.”

yea, like I got one of Snoop’s nft drop on a while ago, purely cause this dude I know who’s big into them as a thing had got a few n said they could be worth a lot in the future. Still a punt on his part but somewhat of an educated one maybe.

it feels a bit stupid owning this sh1te cartoon art thing tbh but I thought feck it, worth a squizz.

I always remember when mobile phones first came out. we all thought they were f*king ridiculous. oh how wrong we were :joy:

I still don’t get nft’s tho

Or were we :laughing:

Sounds like the next scandal, not a coin. :rofl:

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yea that tweet was where the name came from originally :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I put a couple of older pieces up on opensea a couple of months ago just to test the waters, but you’re not selling anything unless you already have a big audience or are really into neon/astronauts/weird icons/shitty gifs :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: It also doesn’t help that ETH has tripled in value since. ^^

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Any thoughts on Shiba Inu? Lot of people wanting to get in thinking it will go to the moon and make money. Shitcoin for sure. My coworker just bought 700k for around $13.

We have some NFT “experts” here, right?

Why don’t we launch our own NFT platform and be the ones getting tons of money? Seriously.


Buy poocoin. website

Just keep in mind that every ETH transaction currently burns about the same amount of energy as it takes to run your house for 2 days.

(Yes, until they switch over to 2.0 whenever that actually happens; it’s been teased for years.)

I’m not trying to be holier-than-thou here… I bought some crypto years ago while working on a blockchain-related project. Did some trading here and there, then divested all of my BTC and put that money into alts like ALGO and ADA when I saw the way its footprint had grown.

Also decided to pause any ETH transactions until they finish migrating to a less energy-hungry model.

But I’m doing ETH2 staking so, again, I’m not trying to act like I’m above it all here.

Just remember that every decision, whether it’s divest, trade less or more, hold, etc, is a form of voting with your money. That’s why I pulled out of BTC—the cash reward wasn’t worth it to me to support that kind of system. But everyone makes their own trade-offs.

(info source: Ethereum Energy Consumption Index - Digiconomist)


I wonder how much power is consumed by millions of people plugging in their phones and tablets every night to keep them charged.

We are happy to do that.
Sorry … we’re back on derailing the conversation and I jumped straight in.

I’m sure the graphs exist from years ago where ‘once there was no phone charging every night , then a few years later that power consumption has increased millions of percent ‘. … we’re now used to it , tolerate it mostly. Currency power consumption and the current spotlight on it might also pass.

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yea there’s probably lots of contradictions going on across the board.
it is good if things can become more efficient tho. all of em eventually. innit. :slightly_smiling_face::heart:

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well crypto seems to be another financial layer on top of the market. it’s like trading with penny-stocks or pink-sheets but with a market-cap unparalleled

i don’t want to imagine when this market breaks down and what it means to the whole financial system on the globe. even big companies (not only Tesla), hedge-funds and banks are into it - it reminds me a little bit at the time between 1996 and 2000 before the burst of the dotcom-bubble. if i have to make a bet i would say this kind of value-movements will last for another 5 years

If it lasts another five years I will make some serious cash and gtfo.

I’ve heard for half a decade now that crypto is a bubble waiting to burst. This year as I got into more traditional investing and saw what crypto was doing I decided to dip my toes in instead of listening to the handwringers. So far so good.