
Metoo :wink:

I bought my first shitcoin called FEG. People seem excited about it. Apparently the devs are completely doxxed, run a good community and fulfill their promises. Holding FEG gives you more FEG anytime a transaction happens.

Idk. I donā€™t know anything. Worth looking into I guess. Tell you what those gas fees suck ass, though. I lost $40USD worth of ethereum buying FEGeth. Should have done BNB I guess but i donā€™t understand that crap yet.

People here dissing cryptos or framing them as quick money grabs or tools for mindless greed totally miss the point.

Blockchain technology is the crucial technology to make decentralised, trans-local, self-governed, scaled network systems a real possibility, not just a nice theoretical alternative to centralised hierarchies.

That absolutely is the future and has the potential to impact on our social, economic, and political order to a degree not seen since the industrial revolution.

The energy expenditure of eg Bitcoin currently is real, but the moan (including Elonā€™s) is hypocritical for most of us at best. I genuinely care about the environment and my carbon footprint (a bare minimum in regard to what it means to care about our planet and its habitats), but I will certainly not divest my bitcoin position on the basis of the current wave of criticism. These are transitory pains and considering what we stand to gain, Iā€™m ok with investing our planetary energy into this shift (rather than into more cars, more property investments, more consumerist output, more corporate profit etc).

If you donā€™t see why bitcoin is exciting I suggest you read up on our financial system, the channel power that banks hold, and the ridiculous systemic hacks that central banks have been employing since 2008 in order to delay natural business cycles, effectively shafting the younger generations, potentially for generations to come. Bitcoin is not only a POTENTIAL alternative to this financial system, it ALREADY is an alternative that is mostly decoupled from the massive inflation risk currently surrounding most major fiat currencies.

Also, not all cryptocurrencies are currencies or stores-of-value (as is eg Bitcoin). As a fellow ā€˜naut posted here, Ethereum/Tezos/Cosmos etc are technologies or technological infrastructures and their ā€œcoinsā€ primarily tools for self-governance of the development, use and administration of such tech. Most proof-of-stake coins are that actually. Thatā€™s VERY different to something like Dogecoin or Shiba Inu. Really there should be 3-4 categories considered: Projects that aim to provide means to store value (cryptos with built-in, credible scarcity etc), projects that aim to provide means to transact value (cryptos with low-cost, high speed transactions that can function as digital currency), projects that provide essential technological elements/protocols/wrappers for blockchain-based infrastructures and capabilities (ETH, Tezos, Definity etc), and ā€œprojectsā€ that are hollow as they are purely hype-grabs (eg PLENTY!).

Obviously to speculators the category of a project or its legitimacy donā€™t matter much as long as the prices keep moving enough to warrant speculation, but thatā€™s not the projectsā€™ fault, thatā€™s modern hyper-accelerated financial capitalism in action. Donā€™t think for a moment that, if you donā€™t own cryptos youā€™re not participating in the game. If youā€™re a home owner and you bought your home via a mortgage, you are perpetuating the machinery. If you pay outrageous rents in an urban environment, you are perpetuating the game. If you pay for a bunch of insurances, youā€™re perpetuating the game. If you get interest on your savings or invest in stocks, youā€™re perpetuating the game.

But to look at blockchain projects and their coins from a speculatorā€™s perspective only is ignorant in my book - yet the ā€œignorant moneyā€ flowing into these projects helps popularise and legitimise the whole organisational & processual logic that underlies (most) blockchain projects. I find this fascinating, as it leverages some of the defining traits of financial capitalism almost against itself.

But hey, if one doesnā€™t see it, cool, but no need to piss on people who do.


WARNING: (a general warning about shitcoins, not specifically FEG, I donā€™t know about that one) - please donā€™t trust that a dev is ā€˜apparentlyā€™ doxxed, from reading a sales pitch. There are lots of lying assholes out there, eager to scam us all into poverty, so we need evidence.

Iā€™d suggest finding an AMA video if you can, and making sure itā€™s real people talking about the actual project in question (not just a ā€˜foundā€™ video), and that they give you an impression that ā€˜these guys can do itā€™. Iā€™ve seen a lot of shady websites, copy/pasted ā€˜white papersā€™ and untraceable Twitter accounts this week. Criminals are crazy about crypto scams, so take care.

Meanwhile, I keep finding kick drums when I look at the charts.


Someone out there is probably using graphs to feed into ai and generate crypto ambient sound installations.

People fall for all sorts of bullshit when itā€™s called ā€˜artā€™ or you put ā€˜installationā€™ on the title


Thanks for the advice. Yeah, Iā€™m dipping my toes in, fully aware of the risk Iā€™m taking and only putting in what Iā€™m not afraid to lose.

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I forget which episode, but I heard a podcast where a guy was doing just that - making big music from big data. I still find human people and expressed subjectivity more interesting, but I liked the idea.

This mischaracterises a lot of the critical positions on this thread.

No one wants to see more cars or consumerism. They certainly donā€™t want to add to it, which after years of promises crypto still does (in a big way).

The blockchain could be useful but as it stands now itā€™s a playground for the wealthy, making it inaccessible to most of the world and thus perpetuating gross equity disparities.

Crypto is inarguably atm speculative and another means by which hypercapitalism is perpetuated albeit techy.

There has been for years all this talk about crypto and blockchain being some conduit of revolution yet, from where Iā€™m sitting, itā€™s more or less the same game being played by the same players on the same decimated playing field.

And anyone buying into it is doing nothing to help change that game but ensuring its survival well into a bleak future.

Ps The industrial revolution wasnā€™t altogether a great thing, so I really hope we donā€™t see a bigger version of that. We need to pause for a second, not rush right in to the next big problem.

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I highly doubt that any government will let their financial Status get pulled away by any non regulated cryptocurrency. Ask yourselfes what will Happen to the price after regulation. This subject is spicy for me. Please inform yourselfes about hackers stealing coin from onlinetradingsites. Inform youselfe about China and btc f.e. and Last but Not leastā€¦ If you re looking at Crypto as an Investment strategy go Long or at least be calm and avoid fomo, ectā€¦ If you truly belive in your Investments you should be ready to mentaly overcome highs and lows to Take away the Overall gain after an x amount of years. Good luck to everyone anyways :slight_smile:


You know you and I diverge on our opinions on the hows on a lot of things, albeit I think the general direction we want to see this world evolve into is actually fairly congruent.

I think Blockchain projects are MUCH more accessible and inclusive than many elements of the main street economy are already. Many of these projects donā€™t even have legal entities behind them that regulate ownership at all, despite having tied up billons of USD into them. Think about that, in terms of organisational logic, ownership distribution etc this is revolutionary.

I didnā€™t mention the Industrial Revolution because it was so great at all, I mentioned it because it was so impactful and the defining event for a lot of the current systemic realities that we face. Mechanised, vertical hierarchies, closed systems, environmental exploitation, framing the natural world as mere mechanical processes that translate into inanimate resources at best, etc etc.

In organisational theory, for the past 30-40 years, people have been criticising the machine metaphor as organising principle and frame of sensemaking and have instead suggested a more fluid, less hierarchical, more inclusive and more participatory metaphor, ie the metaphor of the network (also: organism). Me included, and often thatā€™s not at all a perpetuation of the status quo but rather flies right into its face, implying participant-owned organisations, purpose-driven systems rather than profit-driven systems, self-organisation & regulation over top-down bureaucracies, emergence vs denominated hierarchies, transcending of nation states, maximum decentralisation etc etc.

The blockchain as a technology and as a principle is the technology that ā€œunlocksā€ organising along the network metaphor at scale. Itā€™s a promising source for democratisation, decentralisation and mkre equal access.

I say it again, looking at blockchain projects only from the speculatorā€™s point of view is really not doing many of the ideas, visions, and contributions in that space any justice at all - and in a way a convenient manner to throw the baby out with the bathwater and actually perpetuate the status quo.

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is anyone of you on etoro?

i would encourage anyone curious about selling their work as NFTs to take a look at Tezos, an environmentally friendly blockchain network that uses the far less energy intensive proof-of-stake model. there are currently 2 platforms that allow you to sell your work via Tezos, Hicetnunc & Kalamint. supposedly Opensea will be adding Tezos support in the near future as well.

i use Hicetnunc as there are no gatekeepers, invites, application process to go thru, etc. just set up an account and a Tezos wallet & go. it costs about 60 cents to mint a work on there. thereā€™s quite an artist community that has formed around this platform as well. a bit user-unfriendly interface at the moment, tho it does match the elektronauts aesthetic quite well. there are plenty of tutorials on youtube, etc that can walk you thru the process of getting started there.

as far as what to expect regarding sales, itā€™s the same as selling your work via any other platform: the more of an audience you already have via performing, social media, etcā€¦, the better your chances. youā€™re not going to be making those huge Etherium profits selling a little pixelated gif for thousands of dollars, but your also not going to be screwing over the environment in the process.


I appreciate that you are replying in earnest, and I know that there are many sincere believers in the social benefits of crypto such as yourself.
But Iā€™m not convinced yet.
If these are projects to enable a bright new decentralised world rather than money-making schemes, why do they take the form of currencies?
And if cryptos take off and replace existing currencies ā€“ given that like all money, they are fungible for things in the real world ā€“ isnā€™t that simply a massive redistribution of wealth to a small number of people who got in early on crypto (which may be an argument for buying it, but not an ethical justification)?

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I can see the future technological feats that blockchain will enable.

The irony is that it might be a fascist stateā€™s dream. Every microtransaction booked in a ledger for tracing and inspection. The money paid into your wallet subject to contingencies and smart contracts that may devalue or confiscate it if the owner fails to perform some task or breaks some rules.

We may look back in future generations and wonder how we were duped into believing that a detailed public account of our every micro purchase was a positive development.

The next revolution might be getting off the blockchain and back to the freedom of physical tokens ā€¦ like old fashioned anonymous, untraceable cash. But if the State catches you in possession of illegal physical cash coins, you are arrested as a subvertive and demanded to explain why you are not utilising the authorised blockchain to conduct all your transactions.


thatā€™s an argument, except for coins/transactions based on a privacy protocol

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Thatā€™s what we see right now. Goverments find Bitcoin not so bad at all because itā€™s as you wrote traceable. What we - the people - want is untraceable crypto for everyone of course - the only enemy is all the governments of this world.

In 2075 AD, users of the Octatrack VII, which will be available for free delivery from elektron, will be charged a daily date of 0.0000001 elektrocoin per trig trigged. It will all happen seamlessly in the background.
You provide a wallet address to elektron in order to receive your free Octatrack.
All is then neatly taken care of ā€˜behind the scenesā€™ by a usage-based microcharging system that drips tiny payments from your wallet as you use it.
If you have chosen to enable the crossfader, it is 0.000002 elektrocoin per left-right sweep, the onboard flash memory utilisation is 0.000005 elektrocoin per month for storage of non-elektron watermarked samples.


hipster revolutionaries will launch dark ā€˜freechainsā€™ - designed to anonymously circumvent government monitoring and control.
However these underground payment networks will actually be fake government honeypots, designed to lure in the very people who seek privacy, and garner extra focus from forensic government analysis of their every activity.


Hahaha! I realy like that thought. One reason i am still using Cash over card is that it is harder to ā€œtrace my stepsā€ in that digitalized world we live in today also it has a Charakter, you can feel smell and Look at that Cash. The ā€œvalueā€ has a physical formā€¦ May be the same reason why i dont like DAWs that much.

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BTC falls as ADA breaks 2 EUR this morning.

Thereā€™s a shift afoot from old to new.