
A polite heads-up, there’s no incentive for us to keep an entirely off-topic thread open if it’s simply creating lots of friction and flags. Some of the posts above are far beyond being remotely acceptable as per the community quidelines. If you all collectively want to keep the discussion alive then the tone and value of further posts will need to improve. Petty flagging won’t be tolerated either.


Oh, yeah, I understand your feelings. Because I did the same mistake: my greed was upper than my clear mind, haha…

I would have right now about 500k dollars. I would buy my mother a house with a garden, a cat for her… Only if I would sell it when I had a chance to do so several years ago.

Yesterday I exchanged my last bitcoin in my crypto wallet on euros in order to pay for Magnetic resonance imaging of my mum, because she has problems with her spinal cord.

Goodbye, my BTC… We were good friends, I guess.

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after digesting this subject matter for a little bit, and after a negative start followed by an attempt to give the whole thing the benefit of the doubt because of the involvement by alot of people that I didn’t think would get involved but did which made me give it a rethink, i’ve come to the conclusion that unsurprisingly everything just isn’t for everybody…(duh huh) .

At first I thought no, then I thought I might be interested in this but the videos up above I think highlight the issues I have with the phenomena. I love the idea of musicians having new opportunities to make a living with their music, but what I find very distasteful is the ambiguity, vagueness, and inexactness of it all.

I like the idea of intrinsic value, not to be confused with the amount of whatever that intrinsic value might be because it surely varies from person to person but I make music and sell music based on my value of the music and the buyers value and I guess I just don’t have the capacity to add to anything on top of that. Maybe if I was making another genre of music like r&b or r&b like pop music there would be an incentive to add memorabilia to projects for the kind of artist who are trying to create some kind of club/personal connection for their audience but since my music isn’t based in that kind of genre maybe it just makes less sense…

I don’t want to do yoga with people who might like my music or create any kind of community, if anything imho life is oversaturated with connection as it is, I mean we are living in a time when if an internet connection goes down people suffer from withdrawal.

when I listen to Dot who’s a nice artist talk about all that she’s gone through since she started this path to now, and all for the incentive of making enough money to buy a few synths etc… (no offense to her cause she’s doing her) but for me just thinking of all of the community joining, and hanging out, and talking to people, and education that you need to get under your belt, and just the sifting through all of the inexactness of it all or even having to just go through all of the interviews like this one that she has to do (which she seems to enjoy) but that stuff would kill me and the return is definitely not on par with the overhead.

if anyone can make a good living out of this, in a precise manner with some straight forward hard work and without all of the other weird vibe shenanigans that seem to go along with it then I’m all for it but otherwise I guess I’m just not up to the challenge hence the it’s probably not a good fit for me… It feels more like joining a church than dealing with an ira and I don’t like that… All this to say I’m just thinking out loud about this, and I have respect for anybody who has the gumption to navigate these pathways with integrity into endeavors that are successful

“I worked hard. Anyone who works as hard as I did can achieve the same results." - J.S. Bach

I love this quote. But it doesn’t apply to this conversation. If we all worked as hard as @nirun, statistically only a few of us would make any money. And a bunch of us would lose our shirt.

Funny, how the people who occupy the higher levels of multi-level marketing schemes love to tell the lowly plebes at the bottom of the pyramid how they, too, can be successful. It’d be more honest to thank all the poor suckers onto whom you unloaded your inflated crypto.

Sitting behind a computer monitor for 18 months is not hard work. Picking vegetables in the summer heat. That is hard work. Look at the catalog of works by J.S. Bach. That is hard work.


there was certainly a ton of luck involved, i didn’t expect anything to go up in price that much. Sold a ton too early, but still got out in profit. I think reducing what i’ve done to “sitting infront of a computer” is pretty offensive, but i’m retired so I can take the heat i guess :joy:

This whole planet is fucked as long as noone is willing to understand that a system is flawed where you gain money by money and pull out a massive amount of money out of it in the best case.
This money is potential to participate in real world economics where you can essentially pull more out than you brought in at that point. This is always the case when you increase your money just by money. This will never be fair and this will never work in the long run. And as long as people refuse to understand, things will get bad. For one rich guy the system needs a massive amount of poor guys, there is just no other way in real world economics. The nice thing is, that this simple fact can be hidden in the monetary system because it‘s blown up overproportionally compared to the real goods. So in the playbook we have created there is the illusion that one can be rich and noone is loosing anything from it by just increasing the money bubble, but the money bubble just isn‘t the real world and 80% of people don‘t get this simple fact. So let‘s all get rich :wink: And let‘s all have everything then. It will shurely work…


Thank god someone is at least doing something.
Global energie crisis and climate crisis and crypto keeps mining and mining. Stupidity seems endless. The Ether guys keep talking about moving to prove of stake for years and years. Nothing is happening…nothing

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this is simply incorrect and untrue, and pure misinformation regarding proof of stake

you can simply search eth merge testnet and see all the successful upgrades that get updated to the main chain (several have happened already)

and yes interviews with whoever those people are, largely clickbait titles and sources when Oxford, Stanford, Berkley etc etc all offer courses on blockchain and cryptocurrencies (some of them even free) might help take away from the financial aspect and can help individuals understand the underlying technology, value of immutable decentralized ledger, etc etc

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:money_with_wings: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:


Driving along the Interstate 5 highway in Sacramento yesterday and saw this:


Such a nice illustration of what’s wrong with crypto.
(I’m not saying that crypto is bad in general, but there’s a lot of shit in the field)


It is


Now I’m past 40, there are an increasing number of things that I just don’t understand, that seem to exist only to remind me that I’m getting old.

I don’t understand a single thing that’s going on on the side of that truck, but I’ll tell you something, I don’t like any of it.


I’m 51 but let me translate that for you. It’s a scam. :slight_smile:


Of course.

But I’ll tell you what else it’s done. Spelling HOLD wrong has just made me think about poor old Hodor again. Now I’m crying.

Thanks, America.

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I too am amused, confused, intrigued and disgusted all at the same time by this inappropriate display of what ever you call this.

Also who is the target market? Freight forward and logistics operators :thinking: