
honestly. we have both the ingenuity and the material capacity to feed, clothe, house, educate, and entertain every man woman and child on earth and instead we’re farting around doing this nonsense? what a poverty of imagination. every single application of blockchain technology is just one more reason we collectively deserve some sort of extinction-level catastrophe to loom rapidly on the horizon just to focus minds a bit. oh!


As long as it’s a decentralised extinction-level catastrophe, I’m sure our Crypto loving friends will be fine with it.


damn right. every single government-led initiative to bring about our irreversible demise has been a partial success at best. it’s time we handed it over to the libertarians!


Anyone else here sitting on millions of Shiba coins just waiting for that one fateful day you’ll be able to retire and buy every single Akai Synth ever made?

Cool, but it’s an utopia. I’ve asked for an alternative, not an imaginary world.

Agree 100%, still I don’t see an alternative to a system that tries to auto-regolate itself. What we need is a change in human consciousness and awareness, not a system change. Whatever system we could possibile adopt at the current state of spiritual Evolution would lead to the same results. (I don’t see the correlation between this topic and blockchain tho

You can’t blame the blockchain for human stupidity. You can’t really reduce the potential applications of the blockchain to this. I could say the same for synthesizers.

Blockchain and AI are already changing the world, like it or not.

if we don’t imagine better things, we’ll never have them!

well yeah, but so did the Black Death.

we really should be abolishing scarcity, not inventing (and bickering over) new shiny ways to perpetuate and police it, which is (being kind) an odd way for grown adults to be passing their time at this juncture in our civilisation. utopian thinking isn’t just permissible, it’s urgently necessary! and far less embarassing.


Are you trolling?
Not all the blockchains pollute the environment. I suggest you to study the topic in depth. Trustless operations are invaluable and are a gateway to the world you imagine. :wink:

being cheeky but not trolling. here we are talking about a technology which:

  • has zero social utility for 99% of the population;
  • perpetuates an existing system of resource distribution which is demonstrably ruinously inefficient and has a body count numbering billions;
  • is, at present, environmentally Clearly A Bad Idea right up there with owning your own oil rig, as a hobby;
  • has as its most famous advocate a smirking midwit who owes his position and wealth to his family’s apartheid-era emerald mine;
  • is best known for the aforementioned monkey thing

i just don’t think it’s a great use of anyone’s time and i don’t know why anyone would want to be associated with it, beyond using it to order recreational substances currently prohibited by local law. it is pure cringe


You are speaking in newspaper headlines and you don’t seem to have a clear understanding of the topic (you keep talkin about resource distribution when that was not the point, value we assign to things and how we handle that value doesn’t change the intrinsic nature of something)

I didn’t expect to receive a lecture on environment, equality, social utility and future of humanity from a forum of people who spend a fortune on synthesizers manufactured at low cost in Asia, contributing to the destruction of Africa. I give up. :wave:

Mine were all mostly made at pretty high cost in Russia, Poland and Latvia, but I take your point.

Difference is we’re not saying that buying cheaply made synths from Asia is going to free the world from tyranny.

Also, a lot of us are pretty conscious of our gear buying footprint, hence threads like No Gear New Year and all that. Also, I offset some of my footprint by not owning a car, only buying the clothes I need and buying as much food from local suppliers as possible.

It’s noticeable that most of your defences of Crypto have been to either criticise others or to suggest that those who disagree with you just aren’t qualified to have an opinion. It’s not great form.

Whatever though, it’s not like any of this really matters, enjoy your weekend.


You skipped the Africa part. Good.

oh plz.

Not me. I respect everyone’s opinion when it is based on facts and understanding, even if it is different from mine. In particular, I was talking about the potential applications of blockchain and I was being responded with the usual clichés based solely on Bitcoin And a strange moral lesson that could be applied to any aspect of a Westerner’s daily life.

I’m with you. You too.


The problem with this thread is that the proponents of cryptocurrency attempt the leverage their superior knowledge of finance and the technology of decentralized currency against the very real issues of wealth inequality and corruption of traditional monetary systems… but seemingly without an understanding of what a Ponzi or even pyramidal marketing scheme actually is. Because if someone did have that understanding, and continued to promote it, then their integrity would obviously have to come into question.


I gave up caring what others think of my integrity a very long time ago. Yesterday i paid for my cranbourne audio 500rb and bought my daughter 3 minirigs with earnings from providing air quality data with a planet watch license. :money_mouth_face:

Bros will put in an insane effort to convince you their scam works over that scam as opposed to changing it all. :roll_eyes:


It’s a bunch of people in the middle of a pyramid scheme trying to manufacture enough interest and bring in enough suckers to work their way up higher in the pyramid. If it was such a great investment, they wouldn’t be telling other people to buy in. They wouldn’t need to.

One thing I know: if anyone ever says, “Let me do you a favor. I have an investment to tell you about…” Turn and run.


…is the Crypto shills who’ve joined the conversation to push an agenda.

Some folks are debating in good faith, but check the post history of some of the most recent prolific posters in this thread and you’ll see folks who’ve joined in the last 24 hours and only posted about Crypto.

This is fairly typical behavior whenever critical comments about Crypto are made on public forums. Glad to see some of them have now been blocked…


With these people it’s always that you have to read every single paper or you just don’t get it. Same with Jordan Peterson fans who always point to another dozens of videos or books that you need to watch or read before you are allowed to criticize him.


I have invested in some crypto currencies. For me, especially bitcoin has value and utility because it is money that I own (like cash), not money that is promised to me (like my bank account).

But the crypto space in general is obviously rife with scams and people are correct to be wary. It is a wild west. It also is tempting to paint the entirety of the crypto space as a scam but that would be too black and white. There are genuine projects in there.

For me, my curiosity for crypto has led to a deeper understanding of how money works. Not that I have become some kind of expert but it has been useful for me personally.



Sorry @DoverBeach, I owe you an apology, I got your posts mixed up with some other guy.

You weren’t the one telling people you disagreed with that they’re all idiots, so yeah, real sorry mate.

If you search online, you will find no end of articles and posts, and videos calling out planet watch as a scam. I dont particularly care if its a scam or not to be completely frank. The price crashed dramatically last year, i seen an oppurtunity to buy a large joblot of sensors at a very low price which made the ROI attractive. All i needed was for the price to be reasonablly stable, or go up. Point being, allways do the maths, risk asses, be ok with losing everything thats loaded in a trade and be very choosy over whos advice is followed. Luck favours the prepared.