
Bought $200 of it for fun and lost most of value so definitely glad that I did not buy a lot. Like gambling without the fun of a casino.

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Iā€™m working within the rules to maximize my earnings cleverly in order to provide for my family and friends, donate generously to charities, and to invest in large scale projects that appear to me to be beneficial and visionary. Iā€™m 100% content with my contribution thus far. Are you?

No worries - I appreciate the follow up :slight_smile:

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just let me get my oof-o-meter out

edit: resultā€¦ very large oof.

see you next tuesday


ā€œIā€™m working within the rulesā€

Lol. Ok bro. Youā€™re right, there is no rule saying you canā€™t be a cancerous polyp on the anus of humanity.



love the idea of attending the MindKind Projectā„¢, spending a weekend huffing eachotherā€™s farts, then the first thing you do when you graduate is yell at someone who has a disability ā€œiā€™m glad i donā€™t pay for your medicine!!!ā€, itā€™s such a glorious set-piece



Youā€™ve misquoted me. It should say drugs. If you could correct that then Iā€™d be more than happy to mint your gift to me as a NFT.


Iā€™m reasonably satisfied with the way my taxes are spent:

As for cryptocurrency, the more aggressive and patronising the evangelists get, the more convinced I am that they are desperate and greedy.


I know guilt by association is a logical fallacy but man if crypto doesnt have the most anti-social zealots. I mean take crypto posterboy aloneā€¦


Yeah I have to admit, while I am invested in crypto and see a lot of interesting sides to it (and generally would therefore cautiously ā€˜recommendā€™ it to people, depending on context of the conversation), the fact that this topic elicits so many black & white responses is not helping at all. There is a lot of smugness and patronising behaviour ā€“ on both sides though, I would argue; but finding myself on the defending side of crypto isnā€™t helped by OTT evangelism.

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How much lower than 1.5 % of your tax spend for the environment would it have to get to for your appeasement to shift from reasonably happy to mildly annoyed?

Iā€™d fully support windfall taxes on the fossil fuel industry, wealth tax and the closure of existing tax avoidance loopholes to increase spending on the environment and overseas aid.

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I donā€™t pay tax because I agree with how the government at the time spends it. I pay tax because thereā€™s this thing called a Social Contract.

I might not like much about the government, I might not like paying tax, but I get to live in a pretty free and safe society where Iā€™m afforded a pretty good shot at a decent existence. If I start opting out of my end of the contract, I canā€™t very well expect anyone to do right by me now, can I? Of course, not everyone gets to live in such conditions, so their opinions will naturally vary accordingly.

The sort of extreme objectivist outlook that a lot of Crypto defenders seem to hold is a clue as to the sort of atomised, hyper-individualised society theyā€™re after. Itā€™s certainly a legitimate way of looking at the world, but itā€™s not one I subscribe to (and, incidentally, neither did Jung, itā€™s exactly the sort of thing heā€™d have hated).


Supporting increased spending on the environment indicates that I would not be ā€œreasonably happyā€ with lower than 1.5% and would prefer a much higher percentage. The system is far from perfect but Iā€™m not seeing any feasible alternatives being offered by crypto.

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Iā€™m not really up for waiting for James to form a party and become PM, iā€™d much rather funnel funds using all the legitimate financial instruments provided for me to where i feel its needed. I could draw you a graph of the %, but it would be a bit pointless because 100% of all my donations goes to Habitat preservation, Eviromental disaster and prevention, and reforestation projects. It is true, i dont care for Humans very much.

Come on man, keep it civil.

Other than that, youā€™re free to do whatever you like, none of itā€™ll matter in the long run.


this doesnā€™t scale, you canā€™t run a humane society on vibes only. this ayn rand nonsense is absolutely risible and its only advocates are fundamentally unserious people

big yikes