
Wow, you’re right. I didn’t realize I live in a society…who knew…good thing algorithms aren’t made by people, amirite


Nice one.

At what point will the last defenders of crypto be just chatbots screaming into the void?


This post should be pinned in this thread, SO much on point!

And I am, by no means, defending USD or anything related to any fiat currency, but why, WHY on earth should a flawed system be replaced with another flawed and extremist hypercapitalist system? These flaws should be worked out BEFORE even thinking about alternatives. Anything else is just pure gambling and ignorant delusional thinking…


I meant serious as in people actually developing and criticizing Jungs theories in academia. Jung theory isn’t exactly an active area of research. By the way isn’t the Mankind Project something of a cult?

Why? Because trustless systems are reliable, consistent and pay on time. Theres also a lot less fees and a lot less taxes involved freeing me up to invest and lend more, and be more charitable.

You paid extortionate taxes. Are you happy with how thats spent?

Whats your fees and costs buying with a credit card on paypal these days?

Donated yeh? so that cost you money. power is not free. I’m making a healthy profit month on month, which is re invested over and over.

Really? How certain are you your going to be paid in full on time? And how are you going to lend 10k to a retired disabled pensioner in venezualla?

Oh ye? whats your fees?

Really? whats your projected ROI in one year?

You’ll be making less than me i guarentee it.

you say alt, you probably mean meme. lol

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If you believe everything you read online yeh sure. Perhaps attend a group and judge for yourself firsthand

Taxes are a good idea. I live with a disability, and rely on the universal free health care available where I live. Without taxes, I would have no access to the expensive treatments or pain management I need.


Agreed. It may seem like a strange concept to some folks but a lot of people are happy to pay tax. I’d be happy to pay more tax if it equated to better public services, free at the point of contact and universally available. But hey, that’s socialism (a dirty word for many)


well we did go to the zoo as kids, it will be Déjà vu moment, for every single one…excepts the PHILANTHROPISTS GANG.

and there we have it - the libertarian notion of freedom: i’m free to exploit you and you are free to enter into a contract with me that will see you die in the dirt.

the principal that those who can contribute towards society, do, should not be contested by anyone who claims to be a member of the human race (although many do, they’re not worth taking seriously)

a taxation system can’t be run as a menu of options whereby each individual says “ok…i’ll contribute towards healthcare…but not for smokers…hmm…not sure about funding public transport, i have a car…”. those who depend more on the care and compassion of a functioning society should not be beholden to the whims of wealthy individualists


Haha, wow.


Lmaooo have a flag :clown_face:


Crypto, NFTs, Metaverse and AI - what a time to be alive :laughing:


hall of fame clownery :clown_face:


soo messed up…this is next level protofascism

/edit: This attitude is also very much what I have experienced from this “Tech Bro” bubble, there are some extreme social darwinism / survival of the fittest vibes there…


this thread

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Bored Ape Train Drivers Club


Generally I would support flagging a post like this. But it nicely illustrates the difference between everyone-for-themself individualism, and those of us that think society should be based on mutual aid and cooperation.


I’m sorry. I responded like a snarky asshole and I’m not proud of that. Wishing you a relaxing and fun Sunday.

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