
And the UN surely didn’t get their stats from the USSR authorities, Mate, they must have had an independent team of statisticians doing the rounds of morgues. :wink:

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So now the human centipede is trading bitcoin?!’s time to sell.

fine, yes, the UN statistics were fabricated by the Kremlin. i’m really not invested in this weirdness

The Data makes complete sense to me. Russian Gov had to decided it had a duty of care to support the ex USSR states by means of purchasing all of its neccessary imports from them. That became a problem when the Asian markets crashed and their demand for Russian exports crashed creating a liquidity problem, (as a side note, the US Gov hiked their interest rates which enticed hordes of hot money to come flooding in which exposed the bubble in Asia, which i shorted). Add to that a hugely expensive ongoing war with the chechens and you’ve got all your reasons for higher mortality rates right there, and i would guess it was mostly men dying younger. The Americans knew exactly what they were doing. To suggest that a revolution is to blame is naive at best.

There was no revolution in 1991 - I didn’t suggest anything of the sort. Otherwise, I don’t see that decreased demand for Russian goods in Asia would have led to a decrease in longevity. The Chechen wars, to a certain degree, but unregulated distilleries probably much more so, but there was samogon in the USSR, deaths of young men in Afghanistan (and an influx of heroin from there) . I still reckon the difference in mortality rates pre and post 1991 was the result of more honest reporting

If you take the UN as the gold standard of truth - good luck to you mate. Слава труду товарищ!

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Hyper inflation and National liquidity issues go hand in hand with higher mortality regardless of regime.

Looks like suicide and alcohol poisening were the main drivers of increased mortality rate, and largly attributed to men. While this study is usefull for looking into the data that the Russians collected, the reports scope does not cover the reasons behind the economic colapse. It does however suggest that the drops in mortality line up with the economic timelines. Russian mortality trends for 1991-2001: analysis by cause and region - PMC

Curious if any of you guys have Telcoin?

This thread is so effin entertaining. Love all the opinions and perspectives haha

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This thread reminds me to that time in 2016 when the woodturning forums on FB secretly turned into MAGA supporting forums :rofl:


Before anyone asks why I was into woodturning: YT is to blame here with these kind of video suggestions at 3am:


Interesting. There are some folks who claim Satoshi is a myth and Bitcoin is a CIA op to test peoples’ willingness to adopt digital currencies. Given the CIA’s history of deviousness, I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true.

It’s a joint venture between SIS, EU INTCEN, Mossad and the CIA.

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Via a shell company owned by Bill Gates, Soros and Epstein.


I mean, he’s the guy who got MIT to go full crypto (and they still haven’t stopped scamming people.)

If I recall correctly in lurking on BitcoinTalk, early Bitcoin “conferences” were held in Thai areas known mostly for the most exploitative sex tourism and the organizer talked openly about engaging in such.

Amazing how no better use cases have presented themselves in the last 15 years beyond shit like ransomware and A Computer Generated Swatting Service Is Causing Havoc Across America

Obligatory repost-

Obligatory preemptive reply to people stuck in the crypto reality tunnel-

Yes I am “having fun being poor” thank you for the well wishes!

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4 pieces of valuable investing advice I’ll give those with ears to listen:

  1. If someone says they ‘know’ what’s going to happen - don’t listen to them. No one does, unless you are at the very top

  2. If they’re on YouTube or the TV, they’re full of $h1t - don’t listen to them.

  3. Do your own research and learn from your mistakes.

  4. Don’t give up

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Theres actually some decent youtubers teaching market analysis, so this is crap advice.

and theres even people on tv that are worth listening to. Alessio Rastani Unforgettable Interview on BBC - YouTube

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