
point is just that life expectancy plummetted immediately after the fall of the USSR and only started to recover much later. there is plenty to criticise the USSR for, don’t get me wrong! but the facts do matter…

So you’re saying that revolutions are long and very damaging for the population?

I couldn’t agree more.

capitalist ones especially so!

I’d like to see the data for that assertion.

Either way it’s pretty complicated trying to say anything consistent regarding living conditions in Russia/the USSR. I’d wager the average young professional in St. Petersburg is probably better off now than in 1989, but I have my doubts the story would be the same in Kalmykia.

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i mean, revolutions are inherently disruptive, but i can think of several that are fairly universally regarded to have been A Good Thing so i don’t see why worker-led ones should be singled out for special attention. you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs (sending the bosses and landlords to mine bauxite)

I don’t single them out, I see all revolutions pretty.much the same. I do find it interesting how we rarely refer to Capitalist/Fascist revolutions as revolutions though.

Anyway, I digress.


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if they want their bitcoins they should be forced to mine them from the cold earth with their bare hands


The bof E published a white paper on cdbc just a few days before lockdown one. This is coming wether you like it or not. By the time you’ve all finished endlessly debating the moralities, the practical implementation will have been worked on for years.

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Are you trying to refer to BoE and cbdcs by any chance?

If cash is cancelled, cryptos will become much more used. People will have to pay for illegal vices somehow.

Yeah, absolutely nothing has changed in the crypto landscape since early 2020 that might cause a change in policy. No sirreee

But a cbdc doesn’t necessarily need to have all the huge downsides of today’s private cryptocurrencies

Keep in mind that the authorities in the USSR were rather partial to “correcting” statistics.


If you’re in a country with good electronic payment systems, a retail CBDC probably won’t do anything new for you.

Not sure why the BofE would still be thinking of it, unless it’s needed to avoid systemic risk from an unregulated cryptocurrency that could get popular and then leave people screwed over. And I doubt anybody would jump on a crypto/stablecoin-based payment system today given that every news story right now is about massive fraud. So I expect the BofE will shelve those ideas again.

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Gatecrashing the crypto party with some shiny talk.

It appears that Gold and Silver are taking off after a wobbly year.

Something’s shifting…maybe.

Everything going up, perhaps typing 1 followed by 50 zeros drove that Fiat down.

they’re UN statistics mate

Ah bin laden, a cia founded friend that, was them a enemy that exploded that pipeline,
just like putin, a friend of angela for 30 years, with business valued partner, to the evil itself.

The Fed pivoted and opec cutting production mainly.

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Their website was updated a month ago with the links to the consultation paper which closes in June. You can even read the minutes from the CBDC engagment forum meetings where the list of memebers is telling in itself. Launch is scheduled for 2025 at the earliest.

i learned everything i need to know about the bitcoins from this real book

it’s a real book don’t flag me


Also the title of Chuck Tingle’s next book too, by coincidence.