Cthulu needs you

Out of curiosity, do you believe that squid or in fact any living creature intelligent enough to capture prey, is not sentient?

There’s no way to sugar-coat this but one of the most vile, anger-inducing acts I see accepted in society is the practice of boiling lobsters alive.

It’s just as well I’m not posh enough to eat in such restaurants, cause honestly, if a chef ever offered to boil-alive a lobster for me, they had better be as efficient at running for their lives as they are at their sociopathic practices.

In my opinion, chefs willing to boil-alive living creatures do not not qualify as human beings. They’re sociopaths in my opinion and it’s an opinion I won’t be changing. So best of luck to Cthulhu, but please also spare a thought for the poor lobsters being boiled alive, because those lobsters are also sentient, they must be in order to catch prey!

Big thumbs-up to Microtribe for starting this thread by the way :+1:


I’ve always wanted this as a bumper sticker or shirt. It’s on my snare drum case. Forget where I got it.
Signed petition.


Haha. Yeah. That one is another classic.
There’s also “Keep Climate Changing”

I don’t cook anything while it’s still alive.

And yes I do draw a distinction between different levels of intelligence in food.

How far do you want to take that? Plants are alive too. :wink:

I know you said sentient, but that’s a pretty fuzzy line.

So, less intelligent than broccoli but more than a child?

My bad, the children are driving me bonkers today.

I suppose it is a bit hypocritical since I am a meat eater but I have been refraining from octopi on my plate.

And it didn’t start off for a noble purpose. I really never understood why people like to eat octopus. To me, it is more or less flavorless and the texture isn’t something that makes up for it.

It’s kind of a “just before you can, doesn’t mean you should” thing.

But as I learned more about them critters, I have gone from: eh, it’s there on the plate, so I’ll eat it to just not.

Like I said, having eaten a cheeseburger for dinner last night, it’s inconsistent but we all have lines to draw.

With regards to lobster: not that I eat the stuff all that often but I have taken to putting it in the freezer, then pithing it or quickly killing it before putting it in the steamer.

BTW not that it matters, I’m not a vegan.


The way I personally arrive at whether something is sentient or not is based purely on whether it has a brain or not. If it has a brain then it is sentient as far as I’m concerned.