Cthulu needs you

Normally wouldnt post this kind of thing, but this one in particular is horrible.

If you agree, there’s an online petition thing.


I actually stopped eating Tako. They’re just too intelligent to treat like that IMO. I’m not an activist generally, but this is something I actually agree on enough to drop a signature in for. Now squid, I’ll eat that all day, and they’re dumb as bricks. :wink:

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Thanks. I heard last week of an inland industrial salmon farm being build in Bretagne/France. What have we become!


if reincarnation turns out to be true, based off our sins a great majority of us capitalist culinary consumers will live in long cycles as farmed sentient beings.

Lifelong cramped conditions, covered in our own, and others, effluent, kids ripped away at birth, milked, probed, drugged, prodded and finally killed. Repeat. Suffer. Repeat.

Seems only fair.



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All those things are true. Reason enough not to support it. Regardless of species.


just had a dark image of one of those mcdonald touch screens bringing up a video of the cow you’re about to eat after selecting a burger, celebrating its life and showing it having fun in the field surrounded by their doting family. maybe if they were forced to show by law the reality people would cancel the order and leave the franchise.

we fucked up our relationship with food along time ago. as much as i don’t support it i can’t see a turn around anytime soon unless some catastrophic disaster returns us to feudalism.


Funny. I stopped eating octopus a few years ago too. Guess we all have our limits and it just seemed wrong.

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At what point do we draw the line of “too intelligent” though?

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I dunno, but definitely think it’s somewhere between “broccoli” and “human child”.

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I avoid eating anything with a face.

A money oriented specie?

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(the singular of species is species, not specie)

Well all I can say for it is, mercury. That’s what most water has become. And so we have fish with it. Whether you eat meat or not, clean and healthy is way better than that stuff.

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I gave up correcting my english when I realized the english should have reformed itself since centuries (and not century :laughing:) and that not much makes sense (letters never pronounced the same, singular is like plural … sometimes, tense of the verbs is strange, …)

The english is on v1.0 since 1300AD, even the OT got more updates recently.


Octopuses are amazing - but I love all the animals so consider myself a bit biased. I’ll defo sign this later thanks for bringing attention to it :v:

If anyone hasn’t seen ‘My Octopus Teacher’ go give it a watch - amazing documentary, hits you right in the feels. These animals are incredible.

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Review of the Evidence of Sentience in Cephalopod Molluscs and Decapod Crustaceans

A somewhat divergent opinion:

Possibly not safe for vegans

From the Avaaz page:

Octopuses are seriously smart. They can use tools and solve complex problems, and even feel pain, pleasure, joy and fear!

That’s why scientists are outraged by plans for the world’s first octopus farm in Spain , which would see a MILLION of these mostly solitary creatures crammed into tiny tanks every year, then killed painfully by being frozen alive in icy vats to feed the food market.

It’s torture on an industrial scale.

However, the natural octopus lifecycle is pretty scary to begin with:

Quoting from Steroid hormones of the octopus self-destruct system

After mating, females steadfastly brood their eggs, begin fasting, and undergo rapid physiological decline, featuring repeated self-injury and leading to death. Removal of the optic glands completely reverses this life history trajectory, but the signaling factors underlying this major life transition are unknown.

I don’t know how to evaluate the experience of an octopus having its optic gland removed, but I can’t imagine it is pleasant. However, I have experienced hypothermia and have read extensively on both the experience of advanced hypothermia and how to avoid it.

The claim that being frozen alive is “torture on an industrial scale” could only be written by a person who has never experienced more than a cold shower. Sure, jumping into a cold shower is shocking and unpleasant (unless you are a Wim Hof enthusiast), but if you ease your way into cold the real danger is that it is difficult to notice your limbs become numb, and advanced stages of hypothermia are described as warm and pleasant. People who die of exposure are often found naked, after having stripped off all of their clothes.

TL;DR: If you don’t want to eat animals, or just don’t want to eat animals that demonstrate signs of intelligence, that’s fine. The claim that the proposed farm will be especially unpleasant for octopuses does not pass the smell test, and may actually be marginally more pleasant then the natural life cycle.

Please make use of the “hide details” feature when replying to this, or DM me directly. I do not wish to cause distress to vegans.

You know you spent too much time in the wrong places of the internet when you click on thread topics like this and get disappointed.

I was expecting his political campaign:

Edit: NGL, I really do love this logo: