CTR-AL parameters assignable?

for CTR-AL the manual states: this machine simultaneously controls the chosen parameter or parameters for all 16 tracks.

how do i find out what these parameters are and are they assignable?

(i have checked the manual, either i’m missing something or its not in it)


Basically it’s the same as if you turned the corresponding knob on the same position on each page of every other sound. So whatever parameter is affected by the knob on that page is what will change.


wasn’t expecting that, makes it sound great though.

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It can definitely yield some crazy results.

google it on youtube theres a great tutorial with idms

Note that on MD you can Shift+Knob to achieve a similar result. It’s very powerful.
Ctrl+AL enable to plock this and achieve different results by muting the Ctrl+AL track.

As it 's destructive, you need to first save your Kit. And you learn the “reload Kit” shortcut pretty fast.

It’s so easy to get variable fills with this !

Check out the ctrl-8 machine if you want to assign a knob to multiple params across tracks.

from the manual:

This Control machine is used for grouping together
the parameters you manipulate the most into a single window. The parameters can belong to different tracks. This can be convenient in a live situation, allowing less pressing of buttons to reach the desired parameters. One CTR-8P machine can contain 8 of these track and parameter short cuts. The CTR-8P can also function as a sort of “trigless trig” since it can manipulate parameters without trigging the corre- sponding drum sound.

in short, it’s $$.

but not as $$ as this video:

that’s the classic and the reason I now have a basement room full of cryptic knobby boxes that keep me absent from social functions and daylight activities.


^ seriously, the person who made this classic video should get some kind of reward. It blew my mind so hard, even though I did not understand anything. that’s almost 10 years ago…? Been lusting for a mduw ever since, could only afford it 4 years later.


i think pix used to be around on elektron users, but as you say , long ago. but he cost me a lot more than that original $1400 MDUW purchase. alot…

it’s nice to see so much love for the MD again. and the MnM. anyway, all the elektron boxes are sophisticated in the simplest way. instruments. in the immortal words of JSROCKIT, “Elektron for life”. i think he sold all his elektron to buy a leica though.

for those who are just getting into MD, it’s worth tracking down a ruin & wesen minicommand. maybe someone will make a modern adaptation. shit, i’m program these days… maybe when i finally see the sun again i’ll have made something.


yeah ^ thats the video I meant. the idmz one

@kirlian Mind to share what you like to do with R&W MiniCommand ?