Cubase 11 on Big Sur

I have a Big Sur volume on my (Intel CPU) Mac Pro, where I’m testing out plugins, my DAWs etc.

Cubase 11 is meant to work OK on Big Sur, but I can’t get any audio in/out of the system. Nor is any plug-in producing any audio.

Anyone else tried this yet?

…if u need a running system containing cubase, i’d say…don’t bother and wait a second…
big sur is first try on too many new generation next level components and concepts that must come together now…

so leave all that first adopter beta testing approaches to others and work with what u got til big sur becomes big safe on common ground…

As I wrote above: “I have a Big Sur volume on my (Intel CPU) Mac Pro, where I’m testing out plugins, my DAWs etc.”

I dual boot with an older OS, so I’m not hamstrung in any way.

The software in question isn’t in beta. Both Big Sur and Cubase 11 Pro are out of beta.

Veteran software engineer here, with 40-odd years experience. :wink:

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