Cubase 8 and Overbridge, how to record tracks?

How would i do to record tracks from overbridge in Cubase 8? Since A4 does not come up as a separate audio unit it seems impossible to route it to an input that can record it?

Would i have to use AnalogFour as the main audio device perhaps? That would be very cumbersome though (no audio out from my speakers, for example)…

Any help would be very appreciated.

Obviously rendering works.
But if you want to record the channels in real time you can set up a routing like this;
A4trk X output to Group Channel X
Group Channel X send to Audio Channel
Then you can record that audiostream on the Audio channel realtime.
Not in front of my computer now, so not sure if you use sends / routings or audio from / inputs, but that is the idea at least.
Have only done this routing with VSTi that I want to print to audio in realtime while tweaking, so not tried on OB but should work.

Thanks! I did it like this to record ALL the tracks:

  • created a new audio output (which isn’t linked to anything).
  • in “main” track (created by the plugin) switched from “stereo out” to this newly created output.
  • created an audio track, selected the newly created output as the input.

but i will look into this group channel thing, i’m still kind of new to Cubase and haven’t worked a lot with the A4/overbridge either…

The only point of the group channel is that you can route it directly to an audio track to capture the audio stream live.
Good luck :slight_smile:

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