Cue out on Analog Rytm MK 2?

Hi, I am using CUE OUT on my Octatrack to send audio to my Oto Boum for Sidechain compression audio from a hardware synth.
I don’t see this function on the Rytm.
Is it possible to route the same sound on 2 different audio outputs (Kick to my mixer & Kick to my Boum) or should I duplicate my kick on 2 audio outputs ?
or to route Kick to Ableton through USB (USB audio compliant) and Kick Audio output to my Oto Boum simultaneously ?
Thanks in advance

Why not use the kick individual output for sidechaining? All tracks over main out and kick individual out to trigger sidechain compressor.

Thanks for your help.
In this case, will I also keep Kick on main while I send it to its individual output ?

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Route kick to individual out. Set mix level on OTO and route it back into the AR input.

Then you could even sample the compressed kick and ditch the OTO for this track.

Many many options

Ah, nevermind.

Plug cable into BD out and side chain that synth. No need to remove it from the main. I believe BD output does not cancel out mix out unless you choose to do it


Yes, you can choose which tracks will get send to main out (and also which get sent to effects), indivual outs always send audio.

Yes. :slight_smile: