Current MD bugs/issues...?

Hi all,

I’m thinking about buying an MD to pair with my AR for some more synthesis options.

However, I doubt Elektron will be fixing any issues that still occur in the machine so I would like to vet this unit before I bring it in to avoid future disappointment.

Anyway, the search feature on here is possibly the worst I’ve ever tried so it’s extremely hard to find everything on my own here. If you own(ed) an MD, could you share your experience with it concerning bugs and any other serious issue?

I’ve read about an external MIDI sequencing bug in which the second note won’t send out… correct?

Personally, I will be either sequencing directly from Ableton, syncing the MD’s sequencer with Ableton and syncing the AR and MD directly (either one can be slave/master). Most of my concerns will lie there. But please feel free to expose anything else.


Sorry to be weeks late, I made the comment about step 2 not sending a midi note the first time it plays. That is my experiece most of the time. It seems to be related to the midi note length as there are also some other odd behaviour with note lengths. I’m usually driving a synth for bass or arp sounds relying on the note off to release the note. And the note length is very important for feel. Triggering fixed length drum shots is probably fine.