Not quite right, but sounds alright on monitors. Doesn’t really sit well in mix yet (it doesn’t quite coexist the way real hum does) and not tweaked for 50/60hz at all, that’s just a low B.
I think I might be working on a lofi DN Foley pack? I guess that means I need to do field recording stuff like birds and waves and crickets and subway tunnels. Wish me luck?
I’m still here! Serious lack of time and inspiration in the past couple of months. Nothing serious. Doing perfectly fine otherwise. Thanks for asking mate!
Not that this is super loud or something like that, but if features close sounds, jumping needle frequencies/artefacts that could (maybe) be disagreeable.
Rather be overpromising than sorry.
Newfangled Audio Generate sequenced by Opal-Ctl and also tweaked live.