Custom Red MD

I was able to snag a red Machinedrum face plate from forum user dickmalibu. This looks fantastic and really blends well with the Octatrack next to it. The laser etched text is so much easier to read in the dark vs the original dark brown text on silver.

Next on the list is a white text on black LCD swap (reverse LCD) and some different knobs.

I think Elektron should hire Dickmalibu to do a limited run of special face plates to sell officially on their site, hint hint :wink:

Oooo that red looks crisp

dickmalibu needs to rename himself “pavlov” because every time i see his work i start salivating.

pavlov malibu sure made a beauty!

having a different display in the MD will definetly be a big bonus ! (wish I had known …)

congrats on the purchase … !


really really nice looking MD you’ve got there Automux :slight_smile:

The displays are fairly cheap, $15 - $40 USD depending on the type. I’m waiting till a friend of mine can hold my hand through the process as some soldering will be needed but the points look big enough for a novice. I’m still thinking about what color would go best but a reverse LCD white on black I think would look more modern and match the other Elektron boxes better. However I did see a select-able back light color LCD which I would need to figure out how to rig up selector on the chassis.

If I get daring I might swap out the red LED’s for mostly white / blue white (no super bright) LED’s. Not sure I want to get that invasive or how complicated that would end up.

that is cool info! and seems fairly cheap … but wrecking my guarantee /warranty is not worth for me to be honest …

there is another forum user who ordered the MD with a black white screen, and posted a picture, i assume you could find that picture and color inverse it to see how you would like it :=

looking forward to more posts from you regarding the upgrades!


It does if I do say so myself :slight_smile:


Great pics ! Thanks for the kind words.

Hey ELEKTRON we would love to collaborate and do a limited run of custom panels and cases ! :wink:

Automux Thanks for you support and patronage enjoy the custom panel

FYI. We only made 2 of your panels (we don’t plan to make anymore of the red with all white laser text) so as of now you truly have a “limited” MD


“Pavlov” I love it ! LOL

I am waiting for you ! :wink: