Cycles MIDI out problems

I’m having a hard time trying to get my Cycles to send out MIDI. I’ve set the MIDI channel properly for the track and I’ve set MOut to be on in the track settings.

I’m using a Keystep plugged into the MIDI in to play/record my patterns and what’s strange is that the Cycles is passing the Keystep MIDI messages on through the MIDI out, but it doesn’t send the notes from the pattern when its playing back.

Are there any other settings I should check on?

I know there’s a section in the settings about midi “ports”, i.e. USB / mini jacks / both (I think). You’ve set that right ?

EDIT: Re-reading your message, I think you must have.

In the CONFIG > MIDI > PORTS menu, have you set OUT/THRU to “THRU” instead of “OUT”?

I see… yea it was set to THRU… if I change to OUT, then my sequence will play through the MIDI out port… but then I don’t get anything further up the MIDI chain… does that mean I have to choose one or the other? I can’t have a sequencer before the Cycles get passed through along with anything playing on the Cycles?

damn… based on this comment, sounds like its one or the other. really unfortunate because i like to play in my sequences via keystep, but if i’m sequencing an external piece of gear, that means i won’t be able to hear the notes as i play them in :frowning:

Elektron added a thru using the Auto Channel on the Analog Four in the latest update, so it could come in the future.