Cycles midi out to Uno synth Pro midi in problem

Hello. I’ve connected my Elektron Model Cycles to my new Uno Synth Pro desktop, midi out from the Cycles with 5 pin dongle to midi in on the Uno Synth Pro. They both sync and play together fine, but the volume and depth goes down a lot on the Uno Synth Pro after connecting it to the Model Cycles. Does anyone know why. Thank you

Sounds like the M:C is sending midi CCs maybe ? You should be able to control that from the midi section in settings.

Thanks mate. I’ve been through all the settings in Cycles. The only settings I’ve changed are clock out (so cycles is the master) and clock in. None of the other settings seem to make any difference.
It’s strange because I’ve just tried the Uno Synth Pro with my Korg NTS-1 and again, perfect sync but horribly low volume in the Uno. I’ve studied all settings in the Uno and there’s nothing which could help.
I’m beginning to think that I’m using a bad 5 pin cable. I only recently paid £2 for it. Maybe I should try a better one. Thanks

Does anything change on the uno if you turn cycles volume knob?

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Thanks Jox but no, the only thing that happens is the volume on the cycles increases. I was hoping both volumes on the cycles and uno would increase. If there’s a way to make this happen I’d be made up.